Texts from which we learn about the Messiah
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Elohay Yishi
Yeshua and Elohay Yishi in the Tanakh
Tommy 715 ViewsDecember 29, 2023Theology,Hope,Salvation
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Got Him: The Naming of Cain
A comparison between the hebrew of Genesis 4:1 and the reason for the naming of Cain and the aramaic Targum (pesudo) Jonathan which identifies this one as the Angel of the Lord.
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The S(t)on(e) the Builders Rejected
The Targum on the Psalms reads hebrew 'even' for stone as if it said 'ben' for son.
Tommy 675 ViewsJanuary 2, 2024Psalms,Messiah,Moshiach,Targum,Mashiach
Save "Sheet 534849"
The Blessing of Judah
Connection between the blessing given to Judah at the end of Genesis, the prophecies of Isaiah and Zechariah, and the aramaic Targums that make this same connection.
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Agur's Prophecy in Proverbs 30
Explanation of Agur's prophecy in Proverbs 30 drawing from the Hebrew text, and ancient translations into Greek (the Septuagint) and into Aramaic (the Targum to the proverbs), as well as connecting the language of this prophecy to Balaam's prophecies in Numbers 22-24
Save "Sheet 534571"
The Messiah of Targum Jonathan on Isaiah
A roundup of places where Targum Jonathan makes explicit mention of the Messiah, revealing a reading and understanding of Isaiah's prophecy that dates back 2,000 years from the present, and comes only about 700 years after Isaiah was originally written.
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Balaam's Messianic Prophecies
Comparison between Balaam's prophecy and Targums Onkelos and Psuedo-Jonathan.
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