A collection of sheets explaining the custom of eating dairy foods on Shavuot.
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Ice Cream for Breakfast: Dairy & Shavuot
Explanations for why we eat dairy on Shavuot, based on "Milk and Honey are Under Thy Tongue", but with texts in context and expanded.
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Torah and Cheesecake A שבועות Exploration of Sweetness (and Sefaria)
This sheet was prepared for an adult "lunch and learn" at SketchPad in Chicago. No background knowledge of Jewish texts was required, and participants were encouraged to bring cheesecake. There was a taste-off, and the winners were announced after the session.
Sara Wolkenfeld3604 ViewsMay 14, 2018Shavuot,Cheesecake,Dairy
Save "Sheet 112738"
Seder Shavuot
Not PublishedJeremy Borovitz839 ViewsMay 31, 2019
Save "Sheet 176424"
On Cheesecake and Torah
Melissa Ser5109 ViewsJune 2, 2014Shavuot,Dairy
Save "Sheet 3196"