Rav Soloveitchik explains that the word “Eicha" must be understood in the way that those letters first appear in the Torah, when God asks Adam: “Ayeka?”/”Where are you?” What is the signifance of this linguistic parallel?
Raising children who are actively involved in lives of Torah and mitzvot is an enormous privilege and responsibility. How do we share the tradition with the next generation? It's easier said than done. Thoughts on sharing a relevant spirituality with our children & grandchildren.
Beyond “hasbara” efforts to make the case for the necessity of a Jewish state is an even more important audience and more basic question. The audience is us, and the question is, "What is OUR role in the ongoing development of the Jewish state?"
When we feel that our understanding of the Torah could negatively affect our engagement with God, we must explore our tradition carefully, speak to Torah scholars and find an approach from within our tradition that speaks to us.