Examining modern issues through the lens of the women in the Book of Genesis
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Dinah: Victim Blaming
The story of the Rape of Dinah highlights ongoing issues of victim blaming in our society.
Liz Levin494 ViewsNovember 17, 2022Dinah,Rape,Women's Role
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Tamar: Female Ambition
Examining the story of Tamar and Judah through the lens of ambition (i.e., Tamar's ambition to continue Judah's family line)
Liz Levin436 ViewsNovember 26, 2022Levirite Marriage,Twins,Judah and Tamar
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Rachel & Leah: Motherhood
Rachel and Leah (and their maidservants) gave Jacob 12 sons and a daughter. What can they teach us about motherhood?
Liz Levin539 ViewsNovember 13, 2022Leah,Rachel,Motherhood,Zilpah,Bilah
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Hagar: Powerlessness and Vulnerability
The story of Hagar shows the powerlessness of those who are enslaved.
Liz Levin778 ViewsOctober 30, 2022Sarah,Hagar,Slavery
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Rebecca: Girl Boss
Unlike her husband Isaac, who should little agency in the Biblical text, Rebecca shows a great deal of personal agency - the original "girl boss."
Liz Levin924 ViewsNovember 6, 2022Rebecca,Agency,Isaac and Rebecca
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Sarah: Image Rehabilitation
The Sarah of the Biblical text was not always the paradigm of holiness that later commentators tried to make her out to be.
Liz Levin704 ViewsOctober 24, 2022Sarah,Matriarchs,Prophet
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