Beit El, which means “house of God,” was a biblical town located in central Israel. Also known as Bethel, this ancient city is where Jacob had a dream of angels going up and down a ladder. Jacob built an altar to God in Beit El, but it later became a hub for idolatry.
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Purification Before Beit ElTANAKH
Purification Before Beit El
Jacob's journey to Beit El involved a significant act of purification and the removal of idolatry from his household. In the book of Genesis, Jacob instructs his family to rid themselves of alien gods, purify themselves, and change their clothes before going to Beit El to build an altar to God.
Prophetic Confrontation in Beit ElCOMMENTARY
Prophetic Confrontation in Beit El
The prophet Amos's confrontation with the priest Amatzya in Beit El reveals the deep political and religious tensions in ancient Israel. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's modern translation and commentary on the Hebrew Bible provides a clear and engaging exploration of this conflict, connecting readers to the plain meaning of the text.
Political and Religious Innovations in Beit ElTANAKH
Political and Religious Innovations in Beit El
Jeroboam's religious innovations in Beit El were driven by political motivations, and he received divine reproof for his actions. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's commentary on the Tanakh provides a clear and engaging explanation of the political and religious context of King Jeroboam's actions and the prophet's mission to reprove him.
Jeroboam's Political StrategyTALMUD
Jeroboam's Political Strategy
Jeroboam's establishment of idolatry in Beit El was a strategic move to secure his political power. The Talmudic tractate Sanhedrin discusses Jeroboam's fear of losing his people's allegiance to the Kingdom of Judah, leading him to create alternative worship sites.
Jeroboam's Power PlaySECOND TEMPLE
Jeroboam's Power Play
Jeroboam's establishment of idolatrous worship in Beit El was a strategic move to secure his political power and prevent the people from returning to Jerusalem. Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian, provides a detailed account of Jeroboam's actions and their significant religious and political consequences for the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Jacob's Ladder and the AngelsTARGUM
Jacob's Ladder and the Angels
Jacob's dream at Beit El is not just a vision but a profound interaction with angels who admire him and play a significant role in the dream. The Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, an Aramaic translation and interpretation of the Torah, provides additional narrative details about Jacob's dream, particularly focusing on the actions and admiration of the angels.
Prophesying in Beit ElCOMMENTARY
Prophesying in Beit El
Beit El, once a significant center of idol worship, was a place where prophesying was prohibited due to its association with idolatry. Rashi, the renowned 11th-century French biblical commentator, explains the context of Amos's prophecy and the prohibition against prophesying in Beit El.
From Beit El to Beit AvenCOMMENTARY
From Beit El to Beit Aven
The transformation of Beit El into 'Beit Aven' serves as a stark warning against idolatry and moral decline. The prophet Hosea admonishes the Northern Kingdom of Israel for its sins and warns the Southern Kingdom of Judah to avoid similar transgressions.
The Consequences of a Delayed VowMIDRASH
The Consequences of a Delayed Vow
Jacob's delay in fulfilling his vow at Beit El led to severe consequences, including idolatry, unchastity, and bloodshed. Louis Ginzberg's early 20th-century compilation, Legends of the Jews, recounts Jacob's actions to rectify his delay by destroying idols and fulfilling his vow.
Jacob's Unique ResponsibilityKABBALAH
Jacob's Unique Responsibility
Jacob alone was responsible for building the altar in Beit El due to his unique personal experiences and troubles. The Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mysticism, offers a mystical interpretation of Jacob's actions and responsibilities.
The Renaming of Beit ElCOMMENTARY
The Renaming of Beit El
Jacob's renaming of Luz to El Beit El signifies God's continued presence and support throughout his life. Rashbam, a medieval Jewish commentator, offers an interpretation of Genesis 35:7.
Purim in Beit ElHALAKHAH
Purim in Beit El
The identification of the contemporary town of Beit El with the biblical Beit El has significant implications for the observance of Purim. Rabbi Chaim Jachter explores archaeological and historical evidence to determine whether modern Beit El should observe Purim on the 14th or 15th of Adar.
Repentance at Beit ElTANAKH
Repentance at Beit El
The collective mourning and repentance at Beit El showcases the Israelites' deep spiritual connection and their efforts to seek forgiveness and guidance from God. The Book of Judges describes a period of cyclical sin and redemption, highlighting the Israelites' acts of weeping, fasting, and offering sacrifices at Beit El.