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With regard to this
, the Gemara notes:
And Rav Huna also maintains
there is no
except in the place of
one’s Shabbat
The proof of this is
that Rav Huna
and his lamp was extinguished. And
as it was difficult to eat in the dark,
he brought his belongings to the wedding home of his son Rabba, where there was a lamp, and he recited
and tasted some
Pesachim 101a:5
It was further taught in the mishna:
This is the principle: Any
animal inside such an enclosure
whose trapping is inadequate
may not be caught and removed from there on a Festival, whereas any animal whose trapping is not inadequate may be apprehended and removed from there. The Gemara asks:
What are the circumstances
of an animal
whose trapping is inadequate? Rav Yosef said
Rav Yehuda said
Shmuel said: Any
with regard to which one would say: Bring a trap so that we may catch it…
Beitzah 24a:12
An additional
was transmitted in the same manner.
Aivu said in the name of Rabbi Elazar bar Tzadok: A person should not walk on Shabbat eves more than
a distance of
three parasangs [
Rather, he should reach the place where he will stay on Shabbat early enough to ensure that he will have meals prepared for Shabbat.
Rav Kahana said: We said
that restriction
with regard to a case where he is returning
to his house. However,
if he is going
to an inn, he relies on
the food
that he took
with him…
Sukkah 44b:8
One may not birth an animal on a Festival,
and all the more one may not birth it on Shabbat.
However, one may assist it
to give birth.
And one may birth a woman
on Shabbat, and call a midwife for her
to travel
from place to place,
even when the midwife’s travel involves the desecration of Shabbat.
And one may desecrate Shabbat for
a woman giving birth.
And one may tie the umbilical cord
of a child born on Shabbat.
Rabbi Yosei says: One may even cut
the umbilical cord…
Shabbat 128b:13
continues: The verse means that
the Jews
traveled for three days without
hearing any
Torah they became weary,
and therefore the
prophets among them arose and instituted for them that they should read
from the Torah each
Shabbat, and pause
Sunday, and read
again on
Monday, and pause
Tuesday and Wednesday, and read
again on
Thursday, and pause
Shabbat eve, so they would not tarry three days without
hearing the
Evidently this practice predates Ezra.
Bava Kamma 82a:6
Rav Huna bar Yehuda said
Rabbi Ami said: A person should always complete his
portions with the congregation.
The congregation reads a particular Torah portion every Shabbat, and during the week prior to each Shabbat, one is required to read the
text of the weekly portion
twice and
translation once.
Berakhot 8a:30
We learned in the mishna:
Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya says:
If he placed the pot in
a basket
filled with fleece,
he leans
the basket
on its side
so that the fleece will fall to the side of the pot,
and takes
the pot. Otherwise, there is room for concern
the wool collapse when
he lifts
the pot from the basket. Then he will be unable to replace the pot. It is prohibited to move the fleece to make room for the pot, since the fleece is set-aside. However, the Rabbis disagree and say: He may lift the pot and afterward replace it…
Shabbat 50b:12-14
It was taught in
in accordance with
the opinion of
Rav Yehuda: How may one assist
in the birth of an animal?
One holds the newborn so that it will not fall to the ground, and he blows into its nostrils
to remove mucus obstructing the air passages, enabling the offspring to breathe,
and he places
the mother’s
teat into its mouth so that it will suckle.
Shabbat 128b:15
a different resolution from that which was taught in another
: With regard to
the blank folios and the
scrolls of heretics, one does not rescue them from the fire; rather, they burn in their place, they and the names
of God contained therein.
is this
referring to the
blank folios
a Torah scroll?
The Gemara rejects this:
it is referring to the
blank folios
the scrolls of heretics…
Shabbat 116a:7-8
Continuing the discussion of performing an obligation on behalf of others,
Ahava, son of Rabbi Zeira, taught
the following
: With regard to
all the blessings, even if one
already recited a blessing for himself and has consequently
his own obligation,
he can
still recite a blessing for others and thereby
their obligation, as all Jews are responsible for one another. This is true with regard to all blessings
except for the blessing
over bread and the blessing
over wine…
Rosh Hashanah 29a:17-29b:3
1. That One Should Not Deliver an Animal on Shabbat. We do not deliver an animal [being born] on Shabbat.
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 332:1
1) Even though each person hears the Torah reading each week in the public reading, we are obligated to read each parasha twice in the hebrew and once in the Aramaic targum. Even the verse "Atarot v'divon" (Numbers 32:3). 2) Rashi's commentary shares the status of Targum, and those who fear Heaven will read the parashah with both Rashi's commentary AND the targum. 3) The first day of the week is considered 'with the congregation.' 4) The 'choicest' way to perform this commandment is to complete the reading before the Shabbat meal…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 285:1-7
2. The reason it is forbidden to commence a journey within three days of Shabbat is because of the enjoyment of Shabbat, since for the first three days travelers suffer discomfort and confusion. This only applies to sea voyages; travel in rivers do not cause any pain and it is therefore permitted to commence such a journey even on a Friday. This is only if we are not aware that the depth of the waters is less ten hand breaths; in places where we know that from the bottom of the boat to the bottom of the river the distance is less than ten hand breaths it is forbidden ''to travel outside of the…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 248:2-249:1
2. If one makes kiddush in one house over a dish eaten there, and afterwards goes to eat in another place, must return and say kiddush in the place where he wants to eat. 3. If one makes kiddush but does not eat a meal (afterwards), even regarding kiddush he has not fulfilled his obligation.
RAMA: One must eat in the place one makes kiddush. However anyway, even if one eats in the place that kiddush was recited, one has not fulfilled (one's obligation). (Mahar"i) If it was his intention to not eat there immediately, and then he went and ate, he has fulfilled his obligation…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 273:2-7
2. The time [of this meal] is from the time of minchah, which is from the sixth and a half hour onward. And if he does this earlier, he has not fulfilled the mitzvah of the third meal.
RAMA: There are those who say that it is prohibited to drink water from Minhah until Maariv on Shabbat for that is when the souls return to Gehinom. And therefore one should not eat the third meal between Minhah and Maariv. Instead he should eat it before Minhah (Tosafot; the Rosh and Mordecai, chapter ten of Pesahim)…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 291:2-293:2
2. Those who place stones and bricks around a pot (for insulation) must permanently designate them for that purpose (so that it will be permitted to move them on Shabbat). For as long as they are not designated for that purpose, they are not considered important to a person and he may cast them away. Therefore, it would be forbidden to move them if they were not set aside and designated for that purpose 3. When a person insulated [a pot of food] in a container full of muchin that are forbidden to be moved, once he removed the pot from there in the prescribed manner, he may return it there…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 259:2-3
12. Domesticated animals and fowl may be trapped provided they do not resist, for if they resist they are forbidden to be trapped even in a yard, when the yard’s measurements are such that had the animals not been raised among humans one would have needed a trap to catch them.
RAMA: Some authorities are of the opinion that one is forbidden to trap domesticated animals and fowl, yet if one trapped them he is exempt [Hagahos Alfasi]. If however a cow or horse and all the more so other wild animals and fowl that resist capture, one who traps them is liable to bring a Chatat sacrifice…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 316:12-317:7
21. Regarding apikorsim, those who cling to idol worship, and those who convert from Judaism who write sacred texts: their texts should not be saved, and on weekdays we burn them with their Divine Names. 22. If a chest has caught on fire, one is permitted to spread goat's skin on the other side so that it will not burn. Additional, one is permitted to make a wall of objects to stop the fire from spreading, even clay jugs full of water that will definitely explode when the fire reaches them, as indirectly putting out a fire is permitted…
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 334:21-26
5. It is permitted to place an overturned earthenware bowl above a lamp on Shabbat so that the flame will not catch on a [wooden] beam [located above the lamp].
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 277:5
5. It is prohibited to hire Chazanim to pray on Shabbos and there are those who permit it.
RAMA: If he is hired for the year or for the month everyone permits it.
Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 306:5
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