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Syllabus: Eighteen Stories in Four Sections

Eighteen Stories in Four Sections:

Companionship, or Death: Stories of Relationships in the Talmud

  1. The Tragic Tale of the Best Hevruta Ever: The Gladiator and the Beard-less Rabbi Rabbi Yohanan and Resh Lakish | Talmud Bavli Bava Metzia 84b
  2. Rabbis, Wives and the Other Woman: An Unforgiving Tale for Yom Kippur Rabbi Rehumei | Talmud Bavli Ketubot 62b
  3. Ilga Gets a Job: Hunger and the Search for Authenticity Ilfa and Rabbi Yohanan | Talmud Bavli Taanit 21b

Authority, Politics and Pluralism: Behind the scenes of the Rabbinic intellectual revolution

4. From Jerusalem to Yavneh: The Founding Myth of Talmudic Judaism Rabbi Yohanan b. Zakkai leaves Jerusalem | BT Gittin 55b-56b

5. How Hillel Became President: Who is an Authority in the Jewish World:The Forgotten Halakha in Three Acts | Tosefta Pesahim 4:13-14, Talmud Bavli Pesahim 66a, Yerushalmi Pesahim 6:1, 33a

6. It's not in Heaven: Power to interpret, Power to Shame :The Oven of Akhnai | TB Baba Metzia 59a-59b

7. Epilogue to the Oven of Akhnai : The Passing of Rabbi Eliezer | TB Sanhedrin 68

8. Moshe in Rabbi Akiva’s Beit Midrash : Talmud Bavli Menakhot 29b

9. Jewish Law and the Politics of Disagreement: Hillel and Shammai Revisited Assorted Discussion of Hillel and Shammai

10. Yalta Breaks Some Barrels: The Talmud’s Most Learned Woman teaches a Lesson Talmud Bavli Berakhot 51b

Rome and Jerusalem: A Minority Culture Defines its Space

11. Heresy or Not to Be: Eating the Fruit and Tossing the Peel

Elisha Ben Avuyah | Talmud Bavli Hagiga 15a

12. Rabban Gamliel Takes a Piss: Negotiating Public Space in a Multi-cultural Society Mishna Avodah Zarah 3:4

13. The Ivory Tower, Plato's Cave and the first story of Tikkun Olam

R. Shimon bar Yochai in the Cave | Talmud Bavli Shabbat 33b

14. The Tales of the Destruction: Kamtza & Bar Kamtza Talmud Bavli Gittin 55b

Ids and Egos, Husbands and Wives

15. Desire and Authenticity: The Tzitzit and the Harlot Sifrei Numbers 115

16. Freedom, Intimacy and the Marital Bed: Heruta seduces her Husband

Babylonian Talmud Kiddushin 81b

17. Spit in my Eye: The Wife, the Husband and the Sermon Marriage Counseling Rabbi Meir, Leviticus Rabbah 9:9

Epilogue: Entering and Exiting

18. Nehunia ben HaKane - Entering and Exiting Mishna Brachot 4:2

Rabbi Mishael Zion is the Community Scholar and Rabbi of the Bronfman Fellowships, a community of over 1,000 young Jewish leaders in Israel and America, and a faculty member at the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem. He is the author of the celebrated A Night to Remember: The Haggadah of Contemporary Voices (English, 2007) and the Israeli best-seller HaLaila HaZeh: Haggadah Yisraelit (Hebrew, 2004), and is currently working on Esther: A New Israeli Commentary (forthcoming 2017)