Torah texts to Explore in addition to chapter 24. 1)Noach's curse of Cham & Canaan Bereishis 9:22. 2)Yitzchok telling Yaakov, "You shall not take a wife from among the Canaanite women" (Gen. 28:1) 3)Avraham marrying Keturah chapter 25 4)Judah's wife was "the daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua" (Gen. 38:2) 5)One of Simeon's wives is described as a Canaanite: "Simeon's sons:…and Saul the son of a Canaanite woman" (Gen. 46:10 6) 6) You shall not copy the practices of the land of of Canaan (Leviticus.18.3)
Among whom I live. If Yitzchok lived near his wife’s family, either in Canaan or in Charan, he would be subject to their influence. But if he married a woman from Charan and they lived in Canaan he would not be influenced by them.
24:14 She You have proven for Your servant, for Yitzchak. Rashi explains, she is worthy for him that she is a doer of chessed. This topic is juxtaposed with the topic of Ephron the Chiti, because he too was from the family of Cana'an, as it is said "and Cana'an begot Tzidon his firstborn and Cheis," and Ephron was begrudging of eye and therefore he [Avraham] commanded to stay far from the Cana'anim, for they were begrudging [lit. evil of eye], because money will answer and testify to all, and every person is recognized through his pocket, if his actions are pure and straight, and there is no better test or "crucible" for a person than gold and silver.
And thus said Shlomo (Mishlei 17:3) "A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold..." because one who wishes to test a person will go to the money and see what his nature is...if he will remain in his righteousness in the business of money, then in every insight it will be revealed that he is complete [honest], and vice versa. And from here Eliezer learned that he didn't need to check Rivkah except with this trait--if she is generous [lit. has a good eye] and does kindness, and there he said "I will not demand from her anything but that she give me to drink, and if she responds, 'drink, and I will also give your camels to drink' then certainly she is a doer of chessed, that she will give me more than what I ask, and if so she You have proven for Your servant, for Yitzchak, for his entire household is garbed in salvation for other creatures."
The reason Avraham did not impose an oath on Yitzchak instead was so that the servant would not be able to fool Yitzchak by presenting any number of arguments seeing hat he was not under oath to Avraham. Avraham considered the Canaanite as captive to deceitful practices as we know from Hoseah 12,8: כנען בידו מאזני מרמה לעשוק אהב, “A Canaanite uses false weights, loves to overreach.” He made the servant swear to reinforce Eliezer’s obligation in the matter.
If someone marries a wife from a lower social strata, there is a chance that he will feel superior to her and this will lead to bad blood and resentment on his wife’s part. The result will be an ongoing friction. Our sages in Pessachim 49, have described families who are cleaving to one another because they are all part of the same social strata as ענבי הגפן בענבי הגפן דבר נאה ומתקבל, “grapevines joining grapevines are something beautiful and acceptable.” The author continues in this vein, concluding with the quotation from Psalms 125,4 הטיבה ה’ לטובים ולישרים בלבותם, “Do good, O Lord to the good, to the upright in their heart.” The psalmist implores G-d to grant His blessing to people whose motivations in their choice of wife are guided by the principles we have just outlined. The psalm goes on by predicting that those who are guided by base motivations will join the path of the evildoers. When such clear lines of distinction are drawn between people who are sincere in their motivations and those who are not, Israel will be at peace (as one will not confuse one group with another).
The reason Avraham did not impose an oath on Yitzchak instead was so that the servant would not be able to fool Yitzchak by presenting any number of arguments seeing hat he was not under oath to Avraham. Avraham considered the Canaanite as captive to deceitful practices as we know from Hoseah 12,8: כנען בידו מאזני מרמה לעשוק אהב, “A Canaanite uses false weights, loves to overreach.” He made the servant swear to reinforce Eliezer’s obligation in the matter.