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Sefaria in the Middle School Jewish Studies Classroom
This is an opportunity for students to be more involved in their learning and for teachers to guide them through the experience.
Some suggestions for learning activities
  • Write a d'var Torah
  • Research an area of interest - Part of the seder, custom, personality in the Tanakh
  • Make a how-to video
  • Create videos of a section of text
  • Record themselves explaining a text
  • Depict a section of the haggadah or Exodus story in lego or other toys (Barbies, stuffed animals). Take photos and share with class
  • Write a newspaper - Pesach edition. Assign columns and build it together with the class
General tips for student centered work
  • Clearly state the expectations and steps for completing the assignment
  • Model what the students will be doing
  • Be available to answer questions along the way - online office hours, emails
  • Keep in mind the learning objectives - it's not about the quantity, it's about the learning
How can Sefaria help implement your online teaching?
1. Make a source sheet and share it with your students.
2. Collaborative source sheets - Set your sheet to "everyone with access can add" and invite students, parents, etc. to work together to build a sheet.
3. Assignment feature - Create a source sheet and assign it to your students. Your sheet will remain as a template and each student will have a copy of their own which you can view and comment on.
4. Flip your classroom - Make a video and add it to your source sheet.
5. Support each other - Make a teacher group in your school to share ideas, make your work public (and tag it) so that others can use it
Where can you find help on the Sefaria website?
2. Pedagogy on Sefaria - lesson plans to use or inspire you
3. Write to us with questions at [email protected]
4. Take our free online course - register on this form
5. Search the site for texts and sheets on your subject of interest.
6. Sign up for the educator newsletter - button on Teach with Sefaria page
7. Sign up for office hours -
Passover materials and teaching ideas
  • Ashkenazi Haggadah and Edot Hamizrach Haggadah templates - Make a copy, set it to anyone can add and create a class or family haggadah. Students add commentary that they have researched, pictures, family customs, and more. Share your finished work with the school community or families in the class.
  • Educate around the holiday using Sefaria's new Virtual Passover group, coming soon
  • For additional Passover materials, check out our hundreds of Passover themed sheets or our direct links to popular Passover texts.