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(סט) המלכות דאו"ח היא בכתר דאו"י.
ובחי"ג, שאינה עבה כל כך כמו בחי"ד, נבחנת לספירת חכמה דאור חוזר, דהיינו השניה במדרגה לכתר. ובחי"ב, הזכה יותר מבחי"ג, נבחנת למדרגה שלישית במעלה מכתר, דהיינו בינה. ובחי"א, הזכה עוד יותר מבחי"ב, נבחנת למדרגה רביעית במעלה מן הכתר, דהיינו ספירת זעיר אנפין, הכולל שש ספירות חג"ת נה"י. ובחינת הכתר דאור ישר, הזכה יותר מכולן, נבחנת בערך האור החוזר האמור רק לבחינת המלכות, כלומר, השפלה מכולם במעלה, כי כל העב יותר הוא חשוב יותר, וכל הזך יותר הוא שפל יותר, היות והמדרגות מתפשטות מן העב אל הזך, וזכור זאת היטב.

(ע) המלכות כלולה מכל ע"ס דאו"ח.
והנה הבחי"ד בעצמה, מכח האו"ח שלה המתפשט לעשר הספירות מתחלקת בעצמה גם כן לעשר ספירות, כלומר, לד' בחינות וכתר, כי בחי"ד עצמה היא הכתר דאו"ח דהיינו השורש, כנ"ל, וט' הספירות דאו"ח, המתפשטות ועולות ממנה הרי הן הענפים שלה, ונודע, שכל הענפים נכללים וקיימים בשורש, לכן נבחנות בבחינה ד' לעצמה ה' הבחינות, שהן כתר וד' הבחינות, שהן ממטה למעלה.

(עא) הזדככות המסך מחלקת את הבחי"ד לה' בחינות
ובזה תבין מה שהבאנו לעיל, (הסת"פ ח"ב אות ח' ד"ה אמנם) שמדת גדלו של או"ח, נמדד בשיעור העביות שיש במסך, שהמסך העב יותר דהיינו מסך דבחי"ד, מגלה קומה שלימה עד הכתר. ומסך מבחי"ג, רק עד החכמה. ומסך דבחי"ב, רק עד הבינה. ומסך דבחי"א, רק עד הז"א. ומסך שאין בו עביות אפילו מבחי"א, דהיינו הדומה לשורש, אינו מגלה שום קומה של אור, רק בחינת מלכות בלבד ע"ש. ועם המתבאר, תבין ענין ההזדככות האמור במסך על ה' הבחינות הנ"ל. שהוא ענין התחלקות בחי"ד בעצמה, לחמש בחינות האמורות כאן, אשר דרכו של המסך לעלות ולהזדכך, בחלקי מדרגות העביות הללו, הנמצאות בבחי"ד, מטעם שיתבאר לפנינו.

פרק ז'

מבאר: ענין הזדככות המסך. וביאור יציאת ה' קומות כח"ב ז"א ומלכות זו למטה מזו מטעם הזדככות המסך.
כח העיכוב שבמסך, ומדת העביות שבמלכות, שקולים הם.
(עב) ובכדי להבין דבר הזדככות המסך האמור, הנה צריכים להקדים שתי הקדמות: הא' היא, שכח העיכוב שבמסך, הוא שקול בהתאם למדת העביות, שהיא ההשתוקקות, אשר בבחי"ד, כמו ב' כפות המאזנים. והוא מטעם פשוט, כי אם השתוקקות לקבל היא גדולה, הרי צריכים להתאמץ בכח גדול לעכב את עצמו מלקבל, ואם ההשתוקקות היא קטנה, אינו צריך להתאמצות יתירה לעכב את עצמו מלקבל, הרי שכח העיכוב שבמסך, שקול כלפי מדת העביות שבבחי"ד אם פחות אם יותר.

(עג) האור המקיף, דרכו לזכך את המסך.
הקדמה ב' היא, שאותו האור המקיף שאינו מתלבש בנאצל, טבעו הוא, לזכך את העביות שבבחי"ד, לאט לאט על סדר ד' הבחינות, עד שמזכך את כל העביות כולה שבה, שמתחילה מזככה מבחי"ד לבחי"ג, ואח"כ לבחי"ב, ואח"כ לבחי"א, ואח"כ נעשית על ידו זכה לגמרי, בלי שום עביות כלל.

(עד) מטעם שרוצה להתלבש והמסך מעכבו.
וטעם הדבר הוא, כי אור מקיף, פירושו, אותו האור העליון, שאינו יכול להתלבש בנאצל, מחמת שהמסך מעכב עליו שלא להתפשט יותר משיעור קומתו, שהוא נשאר מחוץ לפרצוף ומקיף עליו, דהיינו שמאיר עליו מרחוק. ומתוך שאו"מ רוצה להאיר גם בפנימיות הפרצוף, כדרכו בא"ס שהאיר גם בבחי"ד, ע"כ הוא מכה במסך ומזככו, כלומר שמבטל העביות והקשיות שבו כדי שיוכל להתלבש.

(עה) מתחילה מתגבר המסך, ואח"כ מתגבר האור
ומתחילה מתגבר המסך ודוחה אותו לאחוריו, ואח"כ מתגבר האור ומזכך את המסך. אבל אינו מבטל רק אותה בחינת העביות שעליה היה הזווג דהכאה. אם הזווג דהכאה היתה בבחי"ד הוא מבטל העביות דבחי"ד שהיא המעכבת עליו מלהתלבש בפרצוף, ומשאיר בעביות דבחי"ג שאין לו עמה עסק. ואם הזווג דהכאה היה בעביות בחי"ג, הוא מבטל רק העביות דבחי"ג, ומשאיר העביות דבחי"ב, וכו' עד"ז (כמ"ש בתלמוד ע"ס חלק ד', באו"פ פ"א).

(עו) בחי"ד אינה נעדרת, אע"פ שנזדככה לבחי"ג.
וכבר ידעת, שכל חידוש צורה המתהוה ברוחני, אין הצורה הקודמת נעדרת משום זה, כי אין העדר כלל ברוחני, אלא שיש כאן תוספת צורה. ולפי"ז תבין, שבחי"ד זו שנזדככה לבחי"ג שבה, הרי היא נבחנת, שיצאה מהנאצל הזה לבחינת נאצל חדש, שנתוסף על הנאצל הראשון, אשר הבחי"ד שבו, אינה בחי"ד שבבחי"ד, אלא בחי"ג שבבחי"ד. אמנם בנאצל הראשון, לא נתהוה משום ההזדככות הזו, שום שינוי כל שהוא.

4th Phase:

So we spoke about it last week, that if Malchut, if it’s in the bottom of Or Chozer because we are talking about two forces, one force coming from the creator all the way from the up down and one force coming from below. Try to imagine there is a curtain so that the curtain pushed back all that energy. So there is energy coming from above down and an energy that goes from below up. That’s the direct light and returning light. Normally people, spiritual or not, we are looking for something to come down, but we're not looking for what we're giving back. We always want what can I get? What can I have? And that's unfortunate, you can only have as much as you reflect back. I don't want even to say give back, because the force from above doesn't need anything to gain back. Just for you. When you reflect back and automatically, you are creating a formula for the receiving. So a lot of the people who are looking to receive, unfortunately that things don't exist. You have to create an environment so what you want can happen.

So now we are speaking about Pchina Gimal. So what happened?

The density of the curtain strongest, stronger would be the density of the curtain. It will push back the light to a higher level. So the density of Malchut is pushing all the way to Keter. But once the density of the curtain, the Massach, is less than that, then it will push it not too higher level, to Chochma. What does that mean for us on a spiritual level? The density of how much we can push back depends on how much desire we have. Every time you're born with a stronger desire, you have to create a stronger density to push. Not everybody has to push. I know some cultures, when you offer them ice cream, they will say no a few times. But the ice cream may melt. So unfortunately, it doesn't go by culture, it goes by personality traits. So even the person is a strong desire and you need to know yourself by now.

You know what type of designer you have? Can you sit and let nothing happen? Some people can do it, cannot they will go crazy. Some people know how to relax. But for people who have a stronger desire to be kind of what am I missing? People who have a stronger desire always feel that missing something. So one of the things for people with strong desire, not losing money its losing time. People with a stronger desire don't like to lose time. Then want time to be l from 7 a.m. deal 7 p.m. but then the time never change. And it's 7:00 a.m. to accomplish everything.

So when the person has a strong desire is to create a stronger density Massach, why? The curtain push back, If you cannot push back as much as you want, then what you want can hurt you. Is it clear? Sometimes we get angry, we get angry with people who have more desire than us. We call them greedy, stupid, greedy. They want more than you. Let them want more than you. Then we sometimes judge people who want nothing from life, they are just happy with a little bit, so we call them a saint, it's not true because they are born this way. They are born with no desire at all. So that's why the test for them is not as much as for a person was born with the tremendous amount of desire.

What type of person are you? If a person eats too much and a person don't eat a lot, it doesn't make them better or worse in just a type of a personality that God created that person to be that way or another. What to do with it? That's the test. What do you do with that? So pushing back too much for people who do not have a strong desire, it doesn’t have a lot of effect. But pushing back as much as they can when you have a stronger desire, effects everybody around in a good way. That's why Malchut from the bottom goes all the way to Keter, meaning it affects everything. What kind of desire are you?

So both sides have to change, is not enough to say just greedy change because greedy is wrong. Greed is not wrong, they are born that way. Their job is so important to be as greedy as they can, but they have to push as much as they can. Because without them there is no Massach, no light going from Malchut all the way to Keter. So those are the people who make a difference. What is a righteous person/Tzadik. Capable of wanting it all and giving it all away. A righteous person who doesn't want nothing, not a Tzadik. They want all of it, and now they start letting it go. Not to upset you, but people don't change.

Your core, will not change. It doesn't matter how much you try your core of who you are, the spirit of your soul will not change. What will change is how you act about it. Your choices of who you are, that can change. You know, you strong, how you use your strength. You are shy, how do you use the shy. But your core personality stays the same, never be ashamed of it. There is only one like you. Only one. Don't ever try to change that part because it was created by God. Be proud of it. Be proud. And if God forbid it start to compromise who I am, then you compromise about the creation of God and that's a problem. But how you behave. You have to be aware of yourself. But anyway, the main thing is your desire is important. Don't be ashamed of it. Your kindness is important. Don't be ashamed, you born with that at your core for you of your soul.

So here Rav Ashlag is telling us, when it reaches to Chochmah. So now if we're going to that second phase, all right. So it's going to phase by phase, curtain by curtain, different curtain. The only real strong curtain is only on Malchut not to let the light in. So that’s why it pushes back a lot. But once you are going to the next curtain, that curtain doesn't shoot up very high. And then you have the last Massach, which is only make it to Zeir Anpin. Now what these exactly the light that is coming from the curtain of the lowest spherah of Malchut. It's actually the light that belongs to Malchut. where is this light coming from? The light, that's supposed to fulfill all levels, 10 levels, it has to be fulfilling everything so the light on last spherah is very powerful. So what changed here in Or Chozer, in returning light is that we say in the beginning, whatever more clear and clean is closer and is the cause of everything. What we talk about Or Chozer, returning light, now it flips; whatever is more strong desire, more thick, it's actually the cause of everything. Very simple. I mean, the cause of everything is light coming down from Keter. Now what is the cause of Or Chozer/Returning Light, the curtain in Malchut, so who is the cause of the Or Chozer, its Malchut. So now the lowest level becomes the Keter of Or Chozer. The strong light coming is Keter of Or Yashar, so this is the combination that's going on. Now without we are reflecting our being, each of us are doing something incredible, we reflect our being, its effecting your soul. Because when you share when you reflect back, anything that can do good to others is Or Chozer.

Rav Ashlag says 4th Phase by itself, the Malchut, the cause of the 10 spherot of the returning light, has a subdivision within her, within the Malchut of 10. The fourth phase is actually that Keter of the returning light, because its starts from here and then becomes the Keter. So the other 9 spherot of returning light, is the branches of what just happened with Malchut. So within the roots there is everything. So if something spreads out from Malchut, its part of Malchut. So Malchut is now Keter of Or Chozer and what comes out of Malchut is the 4 phases of or Chozer the same way if it were to come from Keter.

Now, let's go a little bit deeper, understanding what's really happening. The size of the Or Chozer depends on the thickness that the Massach has. The thicker Massach, which is the curtain of 4th phase.

Clarification of Massach:

Now, let's understand that clarification of the Massach, the light wants to come in.

You don't need to chase fulfilment its knocking on the door. It's crazy. But how much can you say no to a knock on your door to give you? No, no, I'm okay. No, no, no. I'm OK.

A human that no longer is able to resist, that's when things start to go down. What is it that you can't resist? Receiving what you want. So the only game in life is how to want and then how to not want it. Now in your body and your body, your organs work the same.

Which Massach are we talking about, hits 4th phase, then hits Keter, next layer, goes to Chochma, then Bina, then Zeir Anpin. This is happening every second the Simsum. What is unique about humans? Human is 4th phase, Animal is 3rd phase, then Vegetable and then Minerals. We have two forces, body and soul. What about us? Which is so unique.

Humans have the strongest desire to receive. There is a duality. Our mission as a human is to have the strong desire but to say control. The Massach will always get beat up by the sharing force. The sharing force doesn’t want you not to receive. Its noble thing to say, but from God POV its not noble, God wants to give you everyday way more then you want. Many religious places do not share this, they teach if you behave bad then punished. Punishment and reward related to me, not God. You are responsible for whether you enjoy life or not. It’s never you are receiving less from the divine, you never receive less. The flow never stops. We need to ask to be able to change to receive the blessing not to have more. So all of that thing has to be understood that the flow of the divine, the flow of the light, will never stop, it's actually more and more all the time. And that's why when you build a Massach, because you care about what you are giving. If we teach this type of thing to the world, it will be no more chaos. So why is it not attractive to people? These details, if you're jumping off some things, is difficult.

Rav Ashlag says before we understand, we need an introduction. The delay depends on the 1.) density of the curtain and 2.) the desire that exits in the 4th phase. Because even the desire is so strong, we have to make an effort to stop receiving.

You need to change, the strongest desire you have for something that is a wrong desire and you cannot say no. This is simple, you can reveal the most amount of light.

So it's so easy. It's almost like a video game. It's so easy because whenever you see the problem, when you are not able to say no to something better, quickly, the area that's where you live in the most amount of light. You do not need to make a big effort if the desire is small. The delay is equal to the density of the 4th phase, whatever is up and whatever is down. The stronger will be the desire, that’s where it is. The curtain can’t hold the light for too long, it delays the light.

But in our life, we also have to think, what is your strongest desire to your thing. What do you need to change? Because whatever you want for you is selfish. So you build on it a curtain, and that curtain is helping you. But eventually, eventually, the light breaks in. So what does that mean? Is that mean that every time you've committed to sin, you actually connect to the light in a way. It sounds weird. You actually transfer light to a place that needs to wait a bit, not ready yet. Commit something that is wrong for you for life, not counting an amount of time. The achievement is ability to say no to what I want to do, which I know is wrong. The whole idea of Simsum was to be able to say no, it was soul decision, no God’s decision. We asked to earn it.

What exactly hit the Massach, the curtain? Or Makif, certain amount of light that could not go into the emanated, job is to break through the Massach. Or Makif is trying to get in and fulfill the vessel but can’t go in one shot. Clarification of 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st phase. And then when there is no density, no Massach, then it becomes what it was before Simsum.

Or Makif:

Surrounding light that can’t go into the emanated yet because curtain doesn’t allow it to go in, it’s Pressure in life. All your potential wants to come in. What do we cry about? We didn't reach our petition at work, Love, etc. Potential is Or Makif, requires us to do some work. Why does Or Makif have a desire to come in? Because it came from the endless. What happened in the endless between the light and the vessel? They were one, he and his name and one, there was no different, not different being giving and receiving was one. But once that Simsum took place, then we have an issue, we cannot receive directly anymore from the light When you feel stress and pressure it means the light wants to give you more. Unfortunately, we try to avoid pressure. When you have no pressure, you are dead. Pressure means something is going on. If you don’t want pressure you have a small desire. Big things happen when there is pressure. You don't want pressure, think small.

You want to become something big, you must think how you handle pressure, surrounding light, or Makif. Or Makif wants to come back, you used to be one. try to sit with the pressure for one hour, don’t avoid it. Every person has something that stresses them out, like public speaking.

Look at your stress as the light wants to give you a gift and you are not ready to have it. The light is knocking on your door to tell you Massach is too thick. Or Makif wants to come in. First the curtain wins, pushes the light back, Or Chozer, then light comes back full blast and its now three layers, this is binding by striking. Light wants to bind with the receiver and strikes the curtain to go in. The binding that happens in fourth phase removing the layer that goes all the way to Keter. The light comes down is only for the curtain that it comes to, light is the cause of everything, not the curtain. The next striking is on the 3rd phase. Just because something was gone, it always stays the same, additional form, in spirituality it’s in both places, difficult for the brain to grasp. Now everything is happening in 4th phase. But it can be 4th of 4th or can be 3rd of 4th. Only place there is a Massach is 4th phase. There is no change in first emanated, because you have to have a desire, Massach, and binding by striking. There is no change happening even if there is a change happening. Nothing is cancelled, it’s just more and more things happening.

The secret is, how do you deal with life? Fulfilled to achieve goal or terrified to achieve a goal. Some people need a compliment to achieve a goal. There is no good or bad, people are different. What type of pressure do you avoid? Are you shy? We have to start to understand, a positive stress is light wants to come in.