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(עו) בחי"ד אינה נעדרת, אע"פ שנזדככה לבחי"ג.
וכבר ידעת, שכל חידוש צורה המתהוה ברוחני, אין הצורה הקודמת נעדרת משום זה, כי אין העדר כלל ברוחני, אלא שיש כאן תוספת צורה. ולפי"ז תבין, שבחי"ד זו שנזדככה לבחי"ג שבה, הרי היא נבחנת, שיצאה מהנאצל הזה לבחינת נאצל חדש, שנתוסף על הנאצל הראשון, אשר הבחי"ד שבו, אינה בחי"ד שבבחי"ד, אלא בחי"ג שבבחי"ד. אמנם בנאצל הראשון, לא נתהוה משום ההזדככות הזו, שום שינוי כל שהוא.

(עז) תיכף שנזדככה לבחי"ג, נזדווג עמה האור העליון, כי אינו פוסק מלהאיר.
ונתבאר לעיל, שהאור העליון אינו פוסק מלהאיר אל התחתונים אפילו לרגע, וענין התפשטותו לנאצל, תלוי רק בהכנת הכלי שלו, דהיינו על פי ערכים של הרצון לקבל שבנאצל, וכל אימת שהנאצל מתעורר ומשתוקק אחר האור העליון, הרי הוא משיג אותו תיכף, במדת רצונו, כמ"ש לעיל (הסת"פ ח"ב אות ס"ג ד"ה ובאותו) עש"ה. ולפיכך, אחר שנזדככה בחינה ד' לבחי"ג שלה, ויצאה בבחינת נאצל חדש בפני עצמה, המשיכה אליה את האור העליון, אז יצאו בה עשר ספירות חדשות של האור העליון ממעלה למטה, וגם עשר ספירות חדשות של אור חוזר ממטה למעלה, ממש על דרך ההתפשטות של הנאצל הראשון. אמנם יש הבחן גדול ביניהן, בשיעור הקומה, כי הנאצל החדש חסר קומת כתר. ואין בו אלא קומת חכמה.

(עח) טעם למה בחי"ג חסרה מכתר.
וטעם חסרון קומת כתר, בנאצל השני הזה, הוא, מפני שאין בו עביות דבחי"ד שבבחי"ד, שבהבחן האו"ח, הוא הכתר שבבחי"ד וע"כ, לא השיב המסך את האור העליון רק מבחינת חכמה ולמטה, דהיינו אותו השיעור, שהיה ראוי לבא בבחי"ג שבבחי"ד. משא"כ בחינת הכתר דבחי"ד, שלא היתה בה התפשטות אפילו אם המסך לא היה מעכב בידה, שהרי הכלי, שהמשיך את האור העליון, הנה תיכף מתחילתו, לא המשיך יותר מחכמה ולמטה, ולפיכך לא החזיר המסך לאחוריו את אור הכתר, אלא רק מאור החכמה ולמטה, וע"כ חסר אור הכתר מאו"ח זה. ולפי שאין שם אור הכתר מאו"ח, אין שם גם אור הכתר של האור העליון, כי אין שום אור שיכול להתלבש בנאצל, בלי או"ח שילבישו, שהיא בחינת כלי הקבלה שלו. כנ"ל (הסת"פ ח"ב אות כ"א ד"ה עתה) וע"כ, אין בו אלא קומת החכמה.


Clarification of the Curtain/Massach

You have desire then a curtain that was created on the fourth phase, that doesn’t let the light come in, eventually the light will win. The light will wear off how much you say no, no, no. because the light wants to give more than you don’t want to receive. So, your capability not to say no to your desire, in a way you lost. The way you check your level of consciousness is what kind of person are you? Are you a traveler of your desires, or do you stick to the plan? Your desire has to be solid.

Massach keep getting beat up by the light and gets thinner and thinner and for that reason cannot push the light all the way up. The fourth phase curtain can push it up all the way to Keter, why? Because the amount of light that is supposed to go to Malchut, it’s a lot, it’s the strongest in the 4th phase, we have the strongest desire with the strongest amount of light, that curtain is stopping that amount light and the same amount of light has to go up. But because you keep hitting the massach, you lose one layer of the massach of restricting the light going to the vessel and now it becomes massach Gimmel, becoming a less strong massach then it was before so its pushing all the way to Chochmah. So, the question is does the fourth phase curtain still exist, because we teach in Kabbalah that nothing disappear, its difficult. the 4th phase desire never goes, even if it becomes 3rd.

You need to know, that in spirituality whatever was there, stays there. The original never changes, nothing changes. because there is no disappears in spirituality, only additional. Now you understand that the 4th phase that becomes the 3rd phase. Why does the 4th phase become the 3rd phase? Because there is no more of a desire. So now you have 3rd phase and believe 4th is no longer important because that engine doesn’t play a role. You have to look at it when we say 3rd phase, that it is the 3rd phase of the 4th phase when we are talking about phases. So even if there is growth, change, everything stays the same.

Sometimes people give up, like not eating carbs, people see no change right away. What if I say nothing changes, the original you is good. Nothing went bad, you just accumulate negative behavior. It is difficult for the brain to understand that everything is happening all the time. because we are in the physical world, world of illusion, it is difficult to agree with it. Everything is here, nothing disappears.

This section relates to two things, how much desire do you have, and how capable are you to reflect. Its difficult to want and receive at the same time. so how is possible the 4th phase plays a role, when it no longer plays a role? Rav Ashlag says, you need to remember, before the 3rd phase came about, the light connect to her because it never stopped shining. First we need to agree, the light of the creator never stops shining.

The light never stops shining, this light is going to the emanated, depends on how much desire the emanated has. What don’t you have, Certainty? You don’t want to have Certainty. You want to know why you don’t have it, not because the light doesn’t want to give it to you. Check your desire based on what you are attached to? Like food. Do you want food more than money? Your desire has to be in a level with something you automatically desire. You must desire something like you desire the food. You want to get somewhere in your life, the light is shining. You have to be strong about your desire, nothing else exists. For example, Food and Sex are desires that serve humanity. The emanated has a certain level. When the emanated is awakened and lust for the upper light, receives it immediately do you feel you receive it immediately? Now if you replace your desire for the immediate things and replace it with your goal, you will see it starts working. Its there, it doesn’t matter what you want, its there. just please desire that for the moment and see if it works, and stop doubting it. Go for it non-stop. Must go deep in your mind and ask for the feeling you want, happiness, certainty, safety. Ask for it. Next step, what actions do I need to do that relates to it, am I doing it all the time.

Everything depends on how much desire you have. After the 4th phase became the 3rd phase, clarification, it’s a different entity, because 3rd can only push to Chochma. That new emanated is drawing and becomes a new ten sefirot. Until now we had a system that from Keter until Malchut, light coming down and the light coming up, system of the 4th phase. Now system of 3rd phase, we also have 10, same coming down and going up. It’s a system. But there is a big difference between 4th and 3rd, its floor, distance. The new emanated is missing Keter, because the 3rd phase can only push to Chochmah. It means curtain pushes to Chochmah because less desire, curtain not that strong, not too high. It keeps going, and still a system of ten sefirot.

Asks Rav Ashlag, why doesn’t the 3rd phase not have Keter. Simple, it doesn’t have the same thickness/desire of the 4th phase. Because what is the Keter of the returning light, its from the bottom coming from Malchut. Which means the highest level of the returning light is coming from below to above. Now you know why the Magen David and Free Masons has that shape. Pyramid represents Or Yashar. The 4th phase is shooting Or Chozer all the way to Keter and 3rd phase shoots it all the way to Chochmah. Everything is taking place in the 4th phase, because Simsum only happens in 4th phase. But in the 4th there is 4 levels. So we are talking about the 3rd of the 4th.

What is causing the amount of light, is the vessel drawing that light, the engine of 3rd phase can only draw Chochmah. The 3rd phase and 4th phase is all within the 4th phase, and the light that force is drawing is less and for that reason the curtain doesn’t need to be that strong and for that reason the light doesn’t jump all the way to Chochmah. That is why the Keter is missing, not because the massach is weak, there is no need to shoot it all the way to Keter, because light that supposed to go to 4th phase of 4th phase is Keter. You understand, that’s the strongest desire. Because it cannot go in, that massach shoots it all the way back to where it came from, Keter. Chochmah cannot go in, that’s the only level that cannot go in, because that’s what is drawing it, the 3rd phase of the 4th phase is only drawing level of Chochmah, that is why it is only going to Chochmah, not because the curtain is strong or weak, don’t go there. So you get exactly light as much as you can dress. So you are not going to get extra clothes, clothing for something that hasn’t arrived. So you get clothing until Chochmah , that’s the Or Chozer , the returning light.