(עט) כל המשכה היא ע"י בחי"ד, ולכן צריכה למסך שלא יתפשט האור לבחי"ד.
וזה הכלל, כל המשכת אור מחויבת להיות רק בבחי"ד שבנאצל, ואע"פ שאין כונה להמשיך שם אור. והטעם הוא, שהעביות שהיא למעלה מבחינה ד', אינה ראויה להמשכה כנ"ל (הסת"פ ח"ב פרק ה' אות נ"ו ד"ה ודבר) ואפילו בחי"א שבבחי"ד, ראויה יותר להמשכה, מהבחינה הג' האמיתית, שהיא למעלה, כלומר, שהיא זכה, מכל הבחי"ד לגמרי. ולפיכך, אם כבר כלה כל בחינת העביות מבחי"ד, אין שם עוד, מי שימשיך אור מא"ס ב"ה, ונפסק שם האור לגמרי. ומתוך שההמשכה צריכה להיות עם בחי"ד, ויחד עם זה, צריכה לשמור על עצמה, שלא יתפשט האור לבחינתה, מחמת הצמצום הנעשה על בחי"ד, לכן התקינה בעצמה, את המסך השומר על דבר זה: כי בעת, שהאור מתפשט ומגיע לבחינה ד', מתעורר המסך, ומחזיר את חלק האור הזה, לאחוריו לשורשו ואותו החלק המוחזר לאחוריו, הוא אינו מתעלם, אלא נעשה לבחינת אור חוזר שפירושו, שממנו, בחינת כלי קבלה על האור העליון.
(פ) לענין המשכת האור, הבחי"ד והמסך הם כמו אחד.
באופן, שהבחי"ד והמסך שעליה, המה דבר אחד, לענין המשכת אור מא"ס ב"ה כי הקשיות של המסך שורה על העביות שבבחי"ד. ולפיכך, אין אנו מזכירים על פי רוב, רק את המסך בלבד, בדבר המשכת האור, אמנם הכונה בהכרח, על שניהם, כמבואר. וגם אנו, כדי לקצר הלשון, נכנה המשכת האור מא"ס, על שם המסך בלבד, וכן דבר יציאת המדרגות זו מזו, נכנה ג"כ, בשם "הזדככות העביות", אע"פ שהכונה היא על הקשיות שבמסך. ותזכור, שהכונה היא על שיעורי העביות שבבחינה ד' העושים ד' בחינות קשיות במסך.
Ten Sefirot Class 67
Every draw, every essence of drawing energy or drawing light has to come from the fourth phase, has to come from Malchut. Meaning, you know, what are you drawing into your life? What are you doing? You know, if you end up with a wrong situation, why are you drawing it, why are you drawing that into a life?
Could be that you feel you're not capable of having more, could be you are capable of having more and that's why you never happy and unhappy you are drawing more, but you're never happy because you're not drawing happy. What does your engine look like? You have to stop and define your engine. What is your engine drawing into your life. You have to ask yourself. But not what do you not based on your all. How does your track record look like based on what you are drawing in your life? Is it money? Is it fame? Is it love? Is it health? Is it recognition? And then you have to look at it. What's your track record? How are you doing with those areas? What you want, what you're drawing, and the result. what you want is not necessarily what you're drawing, because a lot of people say, I want to be happy. That's why I'm working very hard to make money. So the original desire was to be happy what they are drawing is money. So the result, they will never become happy. What you want, what you are drawing and the result. It’s a very important thing. The fourth phase is the force drawing everything. So how was this year for you, were you drawing the right things for you. Are you drawing the right thing? You need to ask these questions.
The fourth phase needs a curtain. Everything in Kabbalah is duality and everything is contradiction. You can draw it, but the curtain will stop you from having it. It's a shocking, we study on Monday that to begin a spiritual journey you have to stop enjoying the normal things, like sleeping, eating. So what God did with water, food and sex? He put pleasure in it. Why? If God would not put pleasure in it, wouldn't be no kids, no food, no water. The pleasure with even the necessity thing was implanted by God so we would desire it. So we will multiply to apply the children. Do you understand? It was already designed that way. The sages decided to cancel these desires but had to change it back. So they realized that sexual behavior can be wrong. But it was this decided to be that way and designed to be that way because that's the seed of procreation creating children and the same with food is what keeps you alive. The same with water would keep you live. It had to be this way. So the fourth phase drawing everything but we know that it needs a curtain so the light will not spread.
So between the engine to the fulfillment of that engine there is a curtain. It's beautiful. Try to imagine yourself, for a second. The engine is your strong desire. What do you want in life? The fulfillment is outside and then there is a curtain. When do you stop? In the thought, in the action. Into action. When is the procedure? How is the procedure look like? Do you wait for it to develop a little bit and then you say no? Or you say no. In the middle or you say no. Now you know why people would do Teshuva higher than righteous. The Talmud teaches that people who can do Teshuva on something are higher than righteous. Because righteous doesn’t have a desire for wrong doing, where wicked has a desire for doing. And for him to say no, for her to say no to that, that’s an achievement because only a person who tastes something can put a curtain. But if you never taste it, how can you say no. How could you say no? The place where people doing teshuva are standing where the righteous can’t stand.
You cannot stop yourself from doing what you want, you are losing your free will no longer have a free will. So the day that you stop yourself from getting what you want. What's the what's your reward for that? Free will.
You get your free will back? Does a dog have free will? A bird? No. Only one creation has a free will, human beings. And they all lose it once they don’t have the curtain. Once they cannot say no to something, they are going down. Go down from Nefesh to Nefesh Behemeet (Soul of a beast) They look like human. But they can’t control.
They can't control. Whatever it is. Drugs they have to drugs. Sex, they have to have sex. They don't want to have sex, they have to do it. Why? They don't even know why. They don't remember why. like a machine. Once they stop. They wake up. They create a curtain. All of a sudden, now they choose. Everything is a reflex. A human being becomes a reflex, once it cannot control desire. So it is important. It's very important. How much free will you have over speech? Very difficult. Very difficult. Would you be able in the middle of argument to cut it in the middle? Very important. It's a practice in the middle. Like I say, I want to show you something so important, then can you stop now?
Many Kabbalists, as they get older, their memory gets better. There was no Alzheimer’s or other disease of the brain. What is the brain built from? The brain basically has nothing in it. One day they will discover it because it's in ensof, endless, covered by a membrane, looks like paper that covers garlic. So how is your brain being developed. Have you ever forget something and you let it go and you remember stuff. Start using your brain better. Once your brain wants , then let’s go, but can you remember that?
So everything that you do has to be defined with your desire, fourth phase. And then always how is your curtain doing in that moment. . You don't want to receive something you can’t give. So it has to be in the mind sharing. Going back to all my first question, so when do you stop and start in the mind and action? When does it begin? Of course, if you do it in the mind, life is easier once you don’t then life becomes difficult. Very difficult to stop the body and talk, but easier to catch it in there in the ketter (mind) .
And until you can stop yourself from me saying I'm sorry, it just going to go wrong and every time you get what you want, You're going to suffer. So, when you learn to say no, not to be polite, you say no to yourself. . It is harder to be spiritual in Israel.
Mystical thing in our universe about people who have power. They want everything and they're able to push it back. The question is, do you want to enjoy this life to a full capacity? And everybody says of course, But to enjoy full, full capacity you are driven by your reflex, not by who you are. So, all your life. What drives you? What you want? Not you. The driver is gone. Was driving you, not what you want. It has to come from the fourth phase, within the emanated. Even after the Simsum, no purpose to have light there. So why is the fourth phase drawing light? We know there is no mistake. So if the 4th phase is drawing and there will not be light there, why is it even drawing? Even the first of the fourth phase can draw more light than the fourth of fourth. The first phase of the fourth phase deserves to get more light than the third phase altogether. Because the system called the fourth phase is the engine. So what happens if there is no 4th phase, who is drawing the light? We cant cancel the fourth phase. Like binding of Isaac . You can't kill Isaac but need to bind Isaac. What is Isaac represent? A strong desire. So what do you do? You don't kill him, you bind him. Isaac represents the left column. The light for full capacity.
The fourth phase is to keep you safe. Why? Because the fourth phase is all about drawing, drawing, drawing together. Why are you going to work? Why stop? Why are you going to work? What's your track record? If you believe that, you don't have to go to a location and to work, it starts happening. if you believe love is supposed to be easy, you will draw it. why do i go to work? it doesn’t mean stay home and do nothing. opportunity will find you. life finds you. The fourth phase has to be working without you receiving exactly what you want. So who put the curtain, not the creator. The revelation was becoming the master of saying no to everything I want. And to change the mind of people to do a diet for 40 days of not getting what you want from food point of view, from relationship POV, we are changing the messiah, we changed the universe. Then then what you get is it is a reward. First, I say free will. What's the second? Confidence. Confidence comes not from getting what you want, from the ability to control what you want. Then you start feeling great about yourself. So people are insecure, do not control their desire. That's why they are insecure. The secure system not working well. The insecure. This secure system broke. What is the secure system, it is the curtain. How often do you say no to yourself?
So what is 4th phase saying? I'm going to build a curtain and give that light that come to me back. Where does that light go to? It goes to the roots. the light we push back doesn’t disappear, it becomes returning light (Or Chozer). So what is happening to that light, it is the new receiving vessel. So how do you receive things now, by creating a new vessel. What is the vessel made from? light, What type of light? Returning light, I don't want it. So the amount of what you want going back because of the curtain up and then becomes a revelation for everything outside of yourself.
Will this system make my life easier and better? Not necessarily, but he will make everybody's life better. When Messiah will come, everyone will be able to push back. We're all going to benefit from everybody. And you and everybody would benefit another person. That's called the Messiah. But I say it's not fair because you can live in the society that you're doing and they don't. So what happens is they can suck your energy.
So drawing the light, the fourth phase and the curtain, it's almost like one, says Rav Ashlag. How can that be? The fourth phase and the curtain on top is one thing because both part of drawing light from the endless. Where is curtain located, where there is the strongest desire. When you mention the curtain, also talking about the curtain. Every time we are talking about drawing light from the endless, we are going to name it by the curtain and the levels 1 to 4 will be called clarification of the thickness or roughness. Because even the curtain is rough, it should get more or there. But why is the muscle rough? Because there is below the fourth phase. Its a rough massach/curtain, and we shoot it back.
When you talk about the first phase of the fourth phase it isnt that rough. The fourth of the fourth of that, that's where we are in this world. But it's very difficult to be spiritual and think about how you can say no when everybody around you will say yes. It’s very difficult. That's why Rav Ashlag asked what is Freewill? Choosing of your environment.
You think free will is to eat, not to eat, do drugs, not to do drugs. Cheat, not cheat. What else? Ego? No, ego said. Its environment, your environmental. You're going to make it if your environment is ok. Did you change your environment? Will you stay there because it's comfortable? Question Did you change the environment or does it change for you?
Now, are you willing to change your environment? Are you willing to change the way you are? Are you willing to change your personality? Are you willing to change anything? Maybe you lack bravery. Maybe you're not brave enough. So why would you ask? Why would you ask the light to give you so much when you're not brave enough to go ahead and get it? You don’t have bravery. You don't have the guts to do anything that you want everything to come to you. Did everything come to you? If that's what you want, it can be delivered to you. You are not raising your bar. You're always going to end up with leftover. Everything in your life look like leftover because you don't have the fourth phase, your soulmate leftover, food left over, demand more from the universe by demanding more from yourself. Demand more from the massach, change your environment. Go to environment where there is a free will.
Change, go out of yourself. You can just sit there and do a mitzvah. Do things out of the ordinary. The next time you're going out, go sit in a weird in a restaurant, what's the worst seat in the restaurant? Sit there. So the idea is you got to not just go after what you want.
Yes. Go make your dream come true. But can you, can you challenge yourself? Can you? And when you go out with somebody, do some challenge while you are you going out? It's fun through challenge. Can you talk to this girl? Can you talk to this guy? So what do you live in for? You don't have like that crazy vision. It's the fun of the Massach. The fun of designing something and not being embarrassed. What is it that you don't ask? What is it you don't want to do? What restaurant have you never walked in and you will never walk in.
There is no righteous that will do a lot of good and live on the land and will not commit a crime. So if you live in the wrong environment and you're righteous, you’re going to sin. God told Moses to take tent out of camp when people started to sin, so he wouldn’t get effected by the environment. Then you have to know your capability if you know you're not strong, so run or get out of the environment. If I smell a pizza, dont be there if you cant say no. On Rosh Hashanah you get a new fourth phase and a new massach, o don't ask for a big desire just like that. Ask for big desire, but you understand it's come with a massach too.
If you ask for more desire, then this year will be very powerful from that point of opportunity will come your way. But can you handle that? Can you handle all day lust and passion and all that opportunity? What do you do when people come to you? So somebody who is famous for a long time and able to keep it, they are very spiritual, successful and famous people. if not, then become a disaster. Its not who you are, everybody has something. But let's say this year you are supposed to be the most famous person on TV to see it's coming. You can have it. Can you handle it? When receive everything you want and you're not ready to draw a curtain, its a disaster when you don't receive everything you want, you are not brave enough. you're afraid.