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Part 6: Creatures of Fire
Hebraic Beasts and Where to Find Them Part 6: Creatures of Fire


(יח) וָ֭אֹמַר עִם־קִנִּ֣י אֶגְוָ֑ע וְ֝כַח֗וֹל אַרְבֶּ֥ה יָמִֽים׃
(18) I thought I would end my days with my family, And be as long-lived as the phoenix,
(א) ואומר עם קני אגוע. בשביל כושר מדתי הייתי אומר בלבי כשאמות יהיה קני וביתי נכון עמי: (ב) וכחול ארבה ימים. עוף ושמו חול ולא נקנסה עליו מיתה שלא טעם מעץ הדעת ולבסוף אלף שנה מתחד' וחוזר לנערותו:
(1) And I said, I will perish with my nest Because of the propriety of my traits, I would think to myself that when I die, I would have my nest and my house established with me. (2) and I will multiply days as the phoenix Heb. וכחול. This is a bird named חול, phoenix, upon which the punishment of death was not decreed because it did not taste of the Tree of Knowledge, and at the end of one thousand years, it renews itself and returns to its youth.
אריא אישתא זינתיה דאמר רב לא בציר משיתא ולא טפי מתריסר זינא אישתא אורשינה אשכחיניה אבא דגני בספנא דתיבותא א"ל לא בעית מזוני א"ל חזיתיך דהות טרידא אמינא לא אצערך א"ל יהא רעוא דלא תמות שנאמר (איוב כט, יח) ואומר עם קני אגוע וכחול ארבה ימים
With regard to the lion, a fever sustained it, since when it suffered from a fever, it did not need to eat; as Rav said: For no fewer than six days and no more than twelve days, fever sustains a person; he need not eat and is sustained from his own fats. Shem continued: With regard to the phoenix [avarshina], my father found it lying in its compartment on the side of the ark. He said to the bird: Do you not want food? The bird said to him: I saw that you were busy, and I said I would not trouble you by requesting food. Noah said to the bird: May it be God’s will that you shall not die, and through that bird the verse was fulfilled, as it is stated: “And I said, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply my days as the phoenix” (Job 29:18).

(58) Among the birds the phoenix is the most wonderful. When Eve gave all the animals some of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, the phoenix was the only bird that refused to eat thereof, and he was rewarded with eternal life. When he has lived a thousand years, his body shrinks, and the feathers drop from it, until he is as small as an egg. This is the nucleus of the new bird.

(59) The phoenix is also called "the guardian of the terrestrial sphere." He runs with the sun on his circuit, and he spreads out his wings and catches up the fiery rays of the sun. If he were not there to intercept them, neither man nor any other animate being would keep alive. On his right wing the following words are inscribed in huge letters, about four thousand stadia high: "Neither the earth produces me, nor the heavens, but only the wings of fire." His food consists of the manna of heaven and the dew of the earth. His excrement is a worm, whose excrement in turn is the cinnamon used by kings and princes. Enoch, who saw the phoenix birds when he was translated, describes them as flying creatures, wonderful and strange in appearance, with the feet and tails of lions, and the heads of crocodiles; their appearance is of a purple color like the rainbow; their size nine hundred measures. Their wings are like those of angels, each having twelve, and they attend the chariot of the sun and go with him, bringing heat and dew as they are ordered by God. In the morning when the sun starts on his daily course, the phoenixes and the chalkidri sing, and every bird flaps its wings, rejoicing the Giver of light, and they sing a song at the command of the Lord. Among reptiles the salamander and the shamir are the most marvellous. The salamander originates from a fire of myrtle wood which has been kept burning for seven years steadily by means of magic arts. Not bigger than a mouse, it yet is invested with peculiar properties. One who smears himself with its blood is invulnerable, and the web woven by it is a talisman against fire. The people who lived at the deluge boasted that, were a fire flood to come, they would protect themselves with the blood of the salamander.

(ו) ובמדרש אף לכל בהמה חיה ועוף נתנה וזהו רבוי גם. חוץ מעוף אחד ששמו חול שלא אכל הה"ד (איוב כ״ט:י״ח) ואומר עם קני אגוע וכחול ארבה ימים. ר' יודן בשם ר"ש אמר חול זה חי אלף שנים לסוף אלף שנים גופו כלה וכנפיו מתמרטין ומשתייר בו כביצה וחוזר ומגדל אבריו ע"כ.
(6) According to Bereshit Rabbah 19,5 the word גם teaches that she also gave to all the animals from the fruit of that tree. According to that Midrash there was only a single bird called חול which did not eat from the fruit of that tree. This fact is alluded to in Job 29,18 ואמר עם קני אגוע וכחול ארבה ימים, ”I thought I would die together with my family (my nest), and be as long-lived as the bird חול, phoenix.” According to Rabbi Yudan this bird has a life span of 1000 years. At the end of that time fire erupts in its nest and less than the size of egg of it remains before it regenerates itself.

(קיח) (בראשית ח יט) למשפחותיהם יצאו מן התבה א״ר יוחנן למשפחותיהם ולא הם. אמר רב חנא בר ליואי אמר ליה אליעזר לשם רבא כתיב למשפחותיהם יצאו מן התיבה אתון היכי הויתון א״ל צער גדול היה לנו בתיבה בריה שדרכה להאכילה ביום האכלנוה ביום שדרכה להאכילה בלילה האכלנוה בלילה. האי זיקתא לא הוה ידע אבא מה אכלה יומא חד הוה יתיב וקא פאלי רמונא נפל תולעתא מיניה אכלה מכאן ואילך הוה גביל ליה חיזרא כי מתלע אכלת אריה אשתא זינתיה דאמר רב לא בציר משיתא ולא טפי מתריסר זינא אשתא. אורשינא אשכחיה אבא דגני בספנא דתיבותא א״ל לא בעית מזוני א״ל חזיתיך דהוה טרידת אמינא לא אצערך אמר ליה יהא רעוא דלא תמות שנאמר (איוב כט יח) ואומר עם קני אגוע וכחול ארבה ימים:

(118) (Gen. 8, 19) After their families. R. Jochanan said: "Infer from this that each family was placed separately." R. Chana b. Bizna said: "Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, questioned Shem the senior (son of Noah). 'As all the animals were placed separately, where was your family placed?' And he answered: 'We had great trouble in the ark to feed all the animals. The creature whose habit it is to eat in the daytime we had to feed by day, and those whose habit it is to eat in the night, we had to feed by night. A chamoleon, my father did not know what its food was. It happened one day that he cut a pomegranate and a worm fell out of it, and the chamoleon consumed it, and from that time he prepared its food from bran that had become wormy. The lion's fever fed its vital energies, as Rab said: Not less than six and not more than twelve days one can live in fever without taking any food. The phoenix my father found that it slept in a corner of the ark, and to his question, 'Dost thou need any food,' it answered, 'I saw thou wert very busy, and I thought I would not trouble thee.' And he blessed her that it should never die, and concerning it says the passage (Job 29, 18) As the chaul (phoenix) shall I have many days'."

Fire Salamanders

אָמַר רַבִּי אֲבָהוּ אָמַר רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים אֵין אוּר שֶׁל גֵּיהִנָּם שׁוֹלֶטֶת בָּהֶן קַל וָחוֹמֶר מִסָּלָמַנְדְּרָא וּמָה סָלָמַנְדְּרָא שֶׁתּוֹלֶדֶת אֵשׁ הִיא הַסָּךְ מִדָּמָהּ אֵין אוּר שׁוֹלֶטֶת בּוֹ תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים שֶׁכׇּל גּוּפָן אֵשׁ דִּכְתִיב הֲלוֹא כֹה דְבָרִי כָּאֵשׁ נְאֻם ה׳ עַל אַחַת כַּמָּה וְכַמָּה
§ Apropos the coating of the altar, the Gemara cites an Aggadic teaching: Rabbi Abbahu said that Rabbi Elazar said: The fire of Gehenna has no power over Torah scholars. This can be derived by an a fortiori inference from the salamander [salamandra], a creature created out of fire and immune to its effects, and whose blood is fireproof: If a salamander, which is merely a product of fire, and nevertheless when one anoints his body with its blood, fire has no power over him, all the more so should fire not have any power over Torah scholars, whose entire bodies are fire, as it is written: “Surely My words are as fire, says the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:29), and the words of Torah become part of the Torah scholars’ very bodies.
אף חזקיה מלך יהודה ביקש אביו לעשות לו כן אלא שסכתו אמו סלמנדרא
The Gemara relates: The father of Hezekiah, king of Judea, also attempted to do so to him, i.e., to burn him as an offering to an idol, but his mother rubbed him with the blood of a salamander [salamandera], a creature created out of fire and immune to the effects of fire, whose blood is fireproof.

(ד) יֶשׁ לְךָ בְּרִיּוֹת שֶׁהֵן גְּדֵלוֹת בָּאֲוִיר וְאֵין גְּדֵלוֹת בָּאוּר, יֵשׁ לְךָ בְּרִיּוֹת בָּאוּר וְאֵינָן גְּדֵלוֹת בָּאֲוִיר. אִם עוֹלוֹת שֶׁבָּאֲוִיר לָאוּר, אֵין לָהֶם חַיִּים. וְאוֹתָן שֶׁבָּאוּר אִם עוֹלוֹת לָאֲוִיר, אֵין לָהֶם חַיִּים. וַחֲנַנְיָה מִישָׁאֵל וַעֲזַרְיָה הָשְׁלְכוּ לְתוֹךְ הַכִּבְשָׁן וְעָלוּ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: בֵּאדַיִן נָפְקִין שַׁדְרַךְ מֵישַׁךְ וַעֲבֵד נְגוֹ מִן גּוֹא נוּרָא (דניאל ג, כו). בְּרִיּוֹת הַגְּדֵלוֹת בָּאוּר וְאֵינָן גְּדֵלוֹת בָּאֲוִיר, וְאֵיזוֹ, זוֹ סַלָּמַנְדְּרָא. כֵּיצַד, הַזַּגָּגִין הָעוֹשִׂין אֶת הַזְּכוּכִית, כְּשֶׁהֵן מַסִּיקִין אֶת הַכִּבְשָׁן שִׁבְעָה יָמִים וְשִׁבְעָה לֵילוֹת רְצוּפִין, מִכֹּבֶד הָאוּר יוֹצֵא מִשָּׁם בְּרִיָּה הַדּוֹמָה לְעַכְבָּר (ס״‎א: לְעַכָּבִישׁ), וְהַבְּרִיּוֹת קוֹרִין אוֹתָהּ סַלָּמַנְדְּרָא. אָדָם סָךְ יָדוֹ מִדָּמָהּ אוֹ אֶחָד מֵאֵבָרָיו, אֵין הָאוּר שׁוֹלֶטֶת בְּאוֹתוֹ מָקוֹם. לָמָּה, עַל שֶׁתְּחִלַּת בְּרִיאָתָהּ מִן הָאוּר. מִכָּאן אָמְרוּ חֲכָמֵינוּ זִכְרוֹנָם לִבְרָכָה, תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים אֵין אוּר שֶׁל גֵּיהִנָּם שׁוֹלֶטֶת בָּהֶן, קַל וָחֹמֶר מִסַּלָּמַנְדְּרָא. וּמָה סַלָּמַנְדְּרָא עַל שֶׁתְּחִלַּת בְּרִיאָתָהּ מִן הָאוּר, הַסָּךְ מִדָּמָהּ אֵין הָאוּר שׁוֹלֶטֶת בּוֹ, תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים שׁוֹמְרֵי תוֹרָה שֶׁהִיא דַּת אֵשׁ וְנִתְּנָה מִיַּד אֵשׁ אוֹכְלָה וְלוֹמְדֶיהָ בֵּית יַעֲקֹב אֵשׁ, עַל אַחַת כַּמָּה וְכַמָּה. לְכָךְ נֶאֱמַר: מַה גָּדְלוּ מַעֲשֶׂיךָ יקוק.

(4) There are creatures that thrive in the air but do not thrive in fire, and conversely there are creatures that thrive in fire but do not thrive in the air. If one that lives in the air enters a fire, he cannot survive, and if one that lives in fire ascends into the air, he cannot survive. Yet Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were hurled into the fire and went forth unscathed, as it is said: Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego came forth (Dan. 3:26). The creature that thrives in fire but does not thrive in the air is the salamander. How do we know this? When glass blowers are about to fashion glass objects, they stoke their furnace for seven days and seven nights. When the fire becomes extremely hot, a creature similar to a lizard that is called a salamander comes out. If a man should smear his hand or any part of his body with its blood, fire will not affect that place, for the animal is created in fire. From this fact our sages taught that the fire of Gehenna does not affect the scholar, (deriving this) a fortiori from a salamander. For if the blood of a salamander, which is merely created in fire, can make a man’s body immune to fire, how much more so would the scholar, who observes the law, which is a fiery law, given by One who is a consuming fire, and of whose teacher (is said): The house of Jacob shall be a fire (Obad. 18), be immune from the fire of Gehenna. Hence it is said: How great are Thy works, O Lord! Thy thoughts are very deep (Ps. 92:6).

(א) זאת החיה אשר תאכלו מכל הבהמה אשר על הארץ. אם תסתכל בפרשה הזאת ובפרשיות הסמוכות לה תמצאם מסודרות בסדור גדול ובכונה נכונה על סדר ארבע יסודות ממטה למעלה, בשכבר ידעת כי סדור היסודות ממעלה למטה הוא סימן ארמ"ע, אש רוח מים עפר, וכן סדרם שלמה המע"ה בספר משלי בפסוק (משלי ל׳:ד׳) מי עלה שמים וירד מי אסף רוח בחפניו מי צרר מים בשמלה מי הקים כל אפסי ארץ, אבל בפרשיות אלו תמצאם מסודרים ממטה למעלה והסימן עמר"א, כי התחיל מיסוד העפר, זהו שכתוב זאת החיה אשר תאכלו מכל הבהמה אשר על הארץ, ובאר בפרשה זו הבהמות והחיות המותרות והאסורות שהן מיסוד העפר, ובפרשה שניה הזכיר יסוד המים, ובאר הדגים המותרים והאסורים ואמר את זה תאכלו מכל אשר במים, ובפרשה שלשית באר בריות הרוח שהן העופות האסורים והמותרים ואמר ואת אלה תשקצו מן העוף, ובפרשה רביעית רמז על יסוד האש שהוא היסוד הרביעי והדק מכולן. ואמרו וזה לכם הטמא בשרץ השורץ על הארץ החלד והעכבר והצב למינהו, הצב שני מינים האחד שמו ערוד והשני שמו סלמנדר"א, ונרמזה סלמנדר"א זו במלת למינהו שהוסיף הכתוב בשבילו, והיא חיה מתילדת באש בתנור שנתחמם שבע שנים רצופים יום ולילה וכל כך גדלה שם שאם תפרד רגע מהאש מיד תמות כדגים שמתים בהפרדם מן המים לפי שהמים גדולן וחיותן כך סלמנדר"א זו עקר חיותה היא האש הגדולה. ועל זה דרשו רז"ל כשהיה מגיע רבי עקיבא אצל מקרא זה והצב למינהו היה אומר מה רבו מעשיך יקוק כלם בחכמה עשית, בראת בריות גדולות בים בריות גדולות ביבשה, שבים אלמלי יוצאות ליבשה מיד מתות ושביבשה אלמלי נכנסו לים מיד מתות, בראת בריות גדולות באש בריות גדולות באויר, שבאש אלמלי יוצאות לאויר מיד מתות ושבאויר אלמלי נכנסות באש מיד מתות, הוי אומר (תהילים ק״ד:כ״ד) מה רבו מעשיך יקוק כלם בחכמה עשית.
(1) זאת החיה אשר תאכלו מכל הבהמה אשר על הארץ, “these are the creatures which you may eat from among all the animals on earth:” If you will take a good look at this paragraph and at the paragraphs following them, you will realize that there is an overall pattern to the sequence in which they have been written. They correspond to the four basic elements of the universe which we explained in connection with Genesis 1,2. Here the Torah proceeds in an ascending manner. You are aware that in Genesis they appeared in a descending manner. The four basic materials of terrestrial earth are: fire, wind (atmosphere), water, earth. This is also the order in which Solomon arranged these four basic components of our terrestrial universe in Proverbs 30,4. He writes: “Who has ascended heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollows of his hand? Who has wrapped the waters in his garment? Who has established all the extremities of the earth?” In the paragraphs before us the order of these phenomena and allusions to them has been reversed, so that their identifying symbol instead of being ארמ'ע has been reversed to become עמר'א. Here the Torah commenced with the element earth, dust, when it wrote: “these are the creatures on earth that you may eat.” In the second paragraph the Torah speaks of the element water, telling us what creatures in the water we are allowed to eat. In the third paragraph the Torah speaks about the atmosphere, telling us which birds (categories) must not be eaten. The Torah tells us which birds or winged creatures we must abhor (11,13). In the fourth paragraph the Torah alludes to the element fire which is the fourth element, the least substantive of all. The paragraph (11,29) begins with the words: “these are the contaminated ones, (ritually impure) among the teeming animals that teem upon the earth.” Among the categories listed is the צב which consists of two groups including the salamander. it is alluded to in the word למינהו, “according to their kinds,” an expression not found with the other seven of these contaminated creatures. According to an ancient tradition this salamander has its origin in fire; it is the product of a furnace which has been heated for seven years consecutively both by day and by night. This enabled the salamander (dragon?) to mature during all this time. If it were to separate from the fire even for a moment it would die, just as fish die when they are removed from their element, i.e. water. [Our author bases himself on the Sifra of Talmudic times. Tosafot Chagigah 27, speak of such creatures which we think of as strictly belonging to mythology, Ed.] When Rabbi Akiva came to the verse והצב למינהו (verse 29), he exclaimed: “how great and marvelous are Your works o Lord, You have created them all with wisdom; You created huge monsters in the sea, huge animals on land, If the ones in the sea would be placed on land they would die at once, whereas if the huge land animals like elephants were to be placed in the sea they would drown at once. You created great creatures with fire and large creatures in the atmosphere. If the ones which thrive on fire would be placed in the atmosphere they would die immediately, whereas if the ones whose habitat is the atmosphere were to be put to the fire they would burn to death immediately. This then was what David had in mind in Psalms 104,24 when he wrote the words quoted above” (compare Sifra Shemini 8,7).
(ג) ומה שהזכיר להעביר למולך ולא אמר להעביר באש, דבר ידוע כי ההבערה באש היתה, כי כן כתיב (דברים י״ח:י׳) מעביר בנו ובתו באש, וכתיב באחז אביו של חזקיה (מלכים ב ט״ז:ג׳) וגם את בנו העביר באש כתועבת הגוים, ועל כן הוצרכו רז"ל לומר על חזקיה שסכתו אמו סלמנדרא, וכתיב עוד (יחזקאל כ״ג:ל״ז) וגם את בניהן אשר ילדו לי העבירו להם לאכלה. אבל דעת רז"ל במה שאמר ומזרעך לא תתן להעביר למולך ולא אמר להעביר באש, שהיה זה כדי לחייבו משעת העברה משתמשול בו האש כגון שנתפש האש באחד מאבריו. ומה שסמך פסוק זה שהוא אזהרת עבודה זרה לאשת איש, יתכן לפרש בענין הסמיכות כי כן הקב"ה מקנא בישראל בעבדם אלקים אחרים כאשר הבעל מקנא לאשתו בלכתה לאחרים, וכן מצינו בענין עבודה זרה כי אנכי יקוק אלקיך אל קנא.
(3) When the Torah in our verse uses the expression להעביר למולך, instead of writing להעביר באש, “to make them pass through fire,” this is due to the fact that everyone at the time knew that the expression להעביר meant to “pass through fire.” There are numerous verses in the Bible confirming this, such as Deut. 18,10, Kings II 16,3; this is why the sages in Sanhedrin 64 had to tell us that the mother of King Chizkiyah had smeared him all over with the blood of a salamander to make him fire-resistant. We also have a verse in Ezekiel 23,37: “and they have even offered to them as food the children they bore to Me.” [Worship of the Lord and simultaneous worship of the Moloch was particularly repugnant to G’d. Ed.]
However, the traditional view of our sages of the wording in our verse not mentioning fire specifically is based on their making the father culpable for this transgression already before the child gets to the fire, i.e. at the beginning of the procedure, the one called העברה by the Torah. As soon as even a single one of its limbs is burned the father is guilty of death (Sanhedrin 64). The reason that this verse is appended to one dealing with adultery, something apparently totally unrelated, may be that G’d displays jealousy of the Jewish people serving such cults and thereby being unfaithful to Him, just as a husband is angry when his wife is unfaithful to him. This thought is spelled out in connection with idolatry already in the second of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20,5) “for I the Lord your G’d am a jealous G’d.”
(ב) אכן כוונת הכתובים הוא להיות כי האדם הוא מורכב מד' יסודות אש, רוח, מים, עפר והם בהדרגות, הדרגה הפחותה שבד' הוא העפר כי הוא עכור וגס מכולם, למעלה ממנו יסוד המים, למעלה ממנו יסוד האש, למעלה מהאש יסוד הרוח, שהוא הרוחני שבכולן, ותמצא כי כל הנבראים שבעולם הגם שכולן מד' יסודות בראם עם כל זה כל בריה עיקר בניינה מיסוד א' והוא יסוד היסוד והג' סניפים לו. יש בריה שעיקר יסודה הוא המים כדגים הגדילים במים, ויש שעיקר יסודם מן הרוח כעופות והגם שמן הרקק נבראו עם כל זה יקוק הגביר בהם יסוד הרוח ולזה לא ינוחו הציפורים עפות הן כבחינת הרוח. ויש בריה שעיקרה מן האש כסלמנדרא. והן האדם יסוד שעליו נבנו בו היסודות הוא יסוד העפר דכתיב (ב' ז') וייצר יקוק וגו' את האדם עפר מן האדמה שהוא יסוד הגס והעב שבד' יסודות, ולזה ישיבתו ומנוחתו באדמה ולא יסבול דירה במים ולא באויר ולא באש, ועשה יקוק כן לסיבות הרבה, ואחת מהנה כי הוא הסולם אשר בו עולות המדרגות ממטה למעלה והמדרגה התחתונה היא יסוד העפר וצריך להיות בארץ, ואם היה נבנה יסודו מן הג' האחרים הרוחניות בערך העפר לא היתה הכונה שלימה בבריאתו, והמשכיל יבין כי הוא סוד הבירור, והבן.
(2) How do we understand G'd's "regretting" anything? Did not Bileam describe G'd (Numbers 23,19) as not ever regretting anything! Besides, what is the point of describing G'd as "saddened?" If this feeling had to be mentioned at all, it should have been mentioned after G'd had carried out His revenge on all the rebellious human beings and had wiped them out. The Torah addresses itself to the four elements man is composed of, fire, air, water and dust. These elements differ in importance and value, the lowliest one being dust seeing it is murky, opaque. The next higher category is water, followed by fire, followed by air or spirit which is the highest ranking of these elements. Although all creatures contain all four elements, different elements predominate in different creatures. The fish are made mostly of water, the birds mostly of air; this is why they can fly and hardly need to rest on earth. The salamander is a creature in which the element of fire predominates. Man is the only creature in which the lowest of the element, dust, predominates. The Torah reported G'd as having fashioned man "dust from the earth" (2,7). This accounts for man's primary habitat being earth. Man cannot live permanently either in the air, the water, or in fire. G'd had numerous reasons for arranging things in this way, one of them being the concept of מדרגות וסולם, that the universe consists of different levels and a ladder. In order for man to rise from one level to another it is important that the ladder which is the means for that spiritual ascent be firmly planted on earth.

(לה) (דף כז) א״ר אבהו אמר רבי אלעזר ת״ח אין אור של גיהנם שולטת בהן קל וחומר מסלמנדרא ומה סלמנדרא שתולדות האש היא הסך מדמה אין אור שולטת בו ת״ח שגופן אש דכתיב (ירמיה כג כט) הלא כה דברי כאש נאם ה׳ על אחת כמה וכמה:

(35) (Fol. 27) R. Abahu said in the name of R. Eliezer: "The fire of Gehenna has no power over the scholars. For this is shown by a fortiori argument drawn from the Salamander, which is only a creature of fire, and still fire has no power over him, that besmears himself with its blood; how much more then have the flames no power over the scholars, whose whole body is fire, as it is written (Jer. 23, 29) Is not thus My word like fire? saith the Lord."

(59) The phoenix is also called "the guardian of the terrestrial sphere." He runs with the sun on his circuit, and he spreads out his wings and catches up the fiery rays of the sun. If he were not there to intercept them, neither man nor any other animate being would keep alive. On his right wing the following words are inscribed in huge letters, about four thousand stadia high: "Neither the earth produces me, nor the heavens, but only the wings of fire." His food consists of the manna of heaven and the dew of the earth. His excrement is a worm, whose excrement in turn is the cinnamon used by kings and princes. Enoch, who saw the phoenix birds when he was translated, describes them as flying creatures, wonderful and strange in appearance, with the feet and tails of lions, and the heads of crocodiles; their appearance is of a purple color like the rainbow; their size nine hundred measures. Their wings are like those of angels, each having twelve, and they attend the chariot of the sun and go with him, bringing heat and dew as they are ordered by God. In the morning when the sun starts on his daily course, the phoenixes and the chalkidri sing, and every bird flaps its wings, rejoicing the Giver of light, and they sing a song at the command of the Lord. Among reptiles the salamander and the shamir are the most marvellous. The salamander originates from a fire of myrtle wood which has been kept burning for seven years steadily by means of magic arts. Not bigger than a mouse, it yet is invested with peculiar properties. One who smears himself with its blood is invulnerable, and the web woven by it is a talisman against fire. The people who lived at the deluge boasted that, were a fire flood to come, they would protect themselves with the blood of the salamander.

(60) King Hezekiah owes his life to the salamander. His wicked father, King Ahaz, had delivered him to the fires of Moloch, and he would have been burnt, had his mother not painted him with the blood of the salamander, so that the fire could do him no harm.

(24) While the northern kingdom was rapidly descending into the pit of destruction, a mighty upward impulse was given to Judah, both spiritually and materially, by its king Hezekiah. In his infancy the king had been destined as a sacrifice to Moloch. His mother had saved him from death only by rubbing him with the blood of a salamander, which made him fire-proof. In every respect he was the opposite of his father. As the latter is counted among the worst of sinners, so Hezekiah is counted among the most pious of Israel. His first act as king is evidence that he held the honor of God to be his chief concern, important beyond all else. He refused to accord his father regal obsequies; his remains were buried as though he had been poor and of plebeian rank. Impious as he was, Ahaz deserved nothing more dignified. God had Himself made it known to Hezekiah, by a sign, that his father was to have no consideration paid him. On the day of the dead king's funeral daylight lasted but two hours, and his body had to be interred when the earth was enveloped in darkness.

דרש רבא מאי דכתיב (איוב יב, ה) לפיד בוז לעשתות שאנן נכון למועדי רגל מלמד שהיה נח הצדיק מוכיח אותם ואמר להם דברים שהם קשים כלפידים והיו (בוזים) [מבזין] אותו אמרו לו זקן תיבה זו למה אמר להם הקב"ה מביא עליכם את המבול אמרו מבול של מה אם מבול של אש יש לנו דבר אחר ועליתה שמה ואם של מים הוא מביא אם מן הארץ הוא מביא יש לנו עששיות של ברזל שאנו מחפין בהם את הארץ ואם מן השמים הוא מביא יש לנו דבר ועקב שמו ואמרי לה עקש שמו

Rava taught: What is the meaning of that which is written: “A contemptible torch [lapid] in the thought of him that is at ease, a thing ready for them whose foot slips” (Job 12:5)? This teaches that Noah the righteous would rebuke the people of his generation, and he said to them statements that are harsh as torches [kelapidim], and they would treat him with contempt. They said to him: Old man, why are you building this ark? Noah said to them: The Holy One, Blessed be He, is bringing a flood upon you. They said to him: A flood of what? If it is a flood of fire, we have another item and it is called alita, and it is fireproof. And if it is a flood of water that He brings, if He brings the water from the earth, we have iron plates with which we can plate the earth to prevent the water from rising. And if He brings the water from the heavens, we have an item and it is called ekev, and some say it is called ikkesh, which will absorb the water.

עליתה שמה - אין אש שולט בה: