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The Profile Page
What is a profile?
Each registered Sefaria user has a profile which, at the most basic, consists of their name and a profile icon with their initials. All personalized work, such as sheets they have created and collections they have curated, is connected to the profile.
Where is the profile icon?
The icon is in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
The default is a circle with your initials. When you edit your profile, you have the option of adding an image which could be a photograph of you or another image that you like.
What will I find in the profile dropdown menu?
Clicking on the profile button will open a dropdown menu with options to:
  • Go to your profile page
  • Create a new sheet
  • Edit your account settings
  • Select your preferred language, Hebrew or English, for the website
  • Go to the Help Center
  • Log out
How can I expand my profile?
At the minimum, a profile is a name and an icon but it can be so much more. Introduce yourself to the Sefaria community by adding a profile picture, biographical information about yourself, a link to your website, where you work, or your Jewish educational background. How much you want to share is up to you.
To edit your profile:
  1. Click on the profile icon in the top corner of the screen.
  2. Click on "Edit Profile" on the profile page.
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Click "Save".
    How can I add a profile image?
    On the profile page, hover over the profile image and click "Upload New". Choose an image from your computer and click "open".
    How can I change the email address attached to my account?
    Open "Settings" and click on "Change Email".
    How can I personalize my experience on Sefaria?
    You can choose the frequency that you receive emails, the site language, your preferred custom for Haftarah readings, your preferred translation language, and whether you would like to turn your reading history on or off.
    Click on the "Settings" button on the profile page, make your preferences, and click "Save".
    What is the preferred translation language option?
    You can choose which language (English, Español, Français, Deutsch) you prefer, if available. Although we don’t have translations in all four languages for every text, if we do have a translation in your preferred language, it will automatically appear.
    What else will I find on my profile page?
    A wealth of information can be found on the profile page. A picture of the page with a key to all of the parts is below. For more information about the individual features, click on the links.
    1 - Edit profile button
    2 - Settings button
    3 - Logout - Click here to log out of your account
    4 - Upload profile image
    5 - Sheets - A list of all of the sheets that you have created.
    6 - Collections - A list of all of your collections.
    7 - Notes - A list of all of the notes that you have taken.
    8 - Torah Tracker - A summary of your activity on Sefaria.