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Medical Benefits of Keeping Niddah
Excerpts from famous medical research:
Professor Howard Kelly (Gynecologist, expert in women’s diseases. John Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland)
  • “I always associated the good health situation of the Jews in large to their correct intimate lives, to the lack of promiscuity and from the lack of inclination to congestion of the inner organs
  • By them- a smaller percentage of births needing forceps
  • By them- a smaller percentage of birth injuries
  • By them- a smaller percentage of birth operations of the pelvic outlet
Professor L. Duncan Bulkley (New York Skin and Cancer Hospital)
  • “The consensus of opinion seems to be that orthodox Jews observing the ritual are much less subject to cancer of the uterus than the rest of any population. They live longer, mostly married, birthing is successful by them and the percentage of deaths from diseases of the uterus is small”
  • “Less cancer of male organs.”
Dr. Hiriam Wineberg, (Head of Gynecology Dept. Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York)
  • “The relative infrequency of cancer of the uterus in women of the Jewish race”
  • Found from statistics compiled from 1893 to 1906 that cancer of the cervix in women in New York City was 20 times as frequent in non-Jewish women as in Jewish women. That is significant-- because that was the period in which the peak of immigration from Eastern Europe occurred. The majority of Jewish women during that period observed the Mosaic Laws of menstruation most faithfully.
A. Singer et al (Editorial Medical Journal Australia)
  • “The decreasing difference in the incidence of cervical cancer between Jewess and Gentile may in some way be due to the liberalization of attitudes toward ancient religious laws with an associated decline in the observance”
Clellan S. Ford, (Comparative Study of Human Reproduction Yale University Publication)
  • “Medical science recognizes the possibility that intimate relations during menstruation may harm the woman. The various aspects of the cycle may become altered temporarily so that during menstruation there is a high risk that inflammation of the pelvic region may develop.”
Dr. M. Smitlyn (Brooklyn)
  • “A woman at this time is ‘not well’. Having relations can cause infection-- and this can lead to cancer. The explanation of this at the time of a period plus for seven days after, the discharge from the vagina is alkaline and thus does not kill germs like at other times when the discharge is acidic and kills germs. That is why at this time a woman is more open to infection.”
Dr. Alexander Gunn, (Look After Your Cervix- A Woman’s Value)
  • “But in fact, orthodox Jewish principles which require couples to abstain from intercourse for a certain number of days after the end of menstruation may be playing their part in protecting the woman. The cells on the surface of the cervix are known to be most susceptible to damage just after menstruation”