I: The Ideal Prayer
(אור המאיר פ' בשלח)
(כש"ט ח"ב די"ט ע"ד, והוא בלק"א די"ח ע"ב).
(צוואת הריב"ש ד"ד ע"א)
One needs to proceed step by step in prayer, and not spend all one's strength at the beginning. Rather, one should start slowly, and in the middle cleave with intense cleaving, so that one can utter all the words of the prayer quickly. Even if at the beginning of the prayer, one is unable to pray with intense cleaving, one should still say the words in utter attunement. Slowly, one builds up the strength until God helps them be able to cleave intensely in prayer.
II: Difficulties
מהבעל שם טוב ביאור ענין אל תשליכני לעת זקנה, הכוונה שאל ישליך העת לידי זקנה, כי לפעמים נופל העבודה של האדם לידי זקנה באמצעות המשך הזמן וכו': (אור המאיר פ' יתרו)
The Baal Shem Tov explained the verse (Psalms 71:9) "Do not cast me away in the time (le'et) of old age." This means that you should not cast away the moment (et) and let it grow old. For sometimes it happens that your worship grows old as time goes by.
(צוואת הריב"ש ד"ה ע"א)
(לק"א ד"ז ע"ב)
(דברי משה פ' בא)
I heard from the holy mouth of the pious and heavenly teacher, the Baal Shem Tov of blessed memory, who warned about zeal and care in the matter of prayer for people like us, that we might be saved from foreign thoughts.
He said a parable in the name of his brother-in-law, the pious Rabbi Gershon of Kitov of blessed memory: there are people who can't feel in their prayers whether they had foreign thoughts or not. For example, there was one road that was very dangerous, and when somebody had to traverse a forest that was full of hidden bandits and thieves waiting for travellers, they would rise from their hiding places and beat, harass and rob him, leaving him covered with wounds and bruises. Anybody who had to go through this forest would go as fast as they possibly could, not giving the bandits time to come out of their hiding places. One time, two men were going though the forest together. One was extremely drunk, and the other was in a normal state of mind. As they went through the forest, the one with the sound mind went as fast as possible until he passed the forest unharmed. His drunken friend went slowly, step by step, and the murderous bandits attacked him and left him bruised and wounded, but he didn't feel a thing because of his drunkenness, until the bandits started attacking each other. The first friend found him and asked how he had survived such a beating, and the second wondered at his friend's wonder, and said that he had no idea what he was talking about. For he felt he had gone without being harmed, until his friend showed him his wounds and bruises in a mirror, and showed him the bloodstains on all his garments. He was still shocked. The meaning of this parable is apparent.
III: The Problem is the Solution
(צוואת הריב"ש ד"ג ע"ב ע"ש)
(דרכי צדק אות כ"ה)
(א) ויש באדם כמה כחות, שלזה העולם צריך כח זה, ולזה העולם כח זה, שעולה נשמתו לכל העולמות שצריך לעלות, ובודקין אותו בכל עולם אם הוא ראוי לעלות ואם לאו דוחין אותו לחוץ, ולפעמים שולחין לו מחשבה זרה מחמת שדוחין אותו, ואם הוא חכם, באותה המחשבה יכול לקשר עצמו יותר להשם יתברך, שהמחשבה הוא אותיות שהם אברי השכינה רק שנפלו בקליפות מכח השבירה, ונעשה הצירוף של האותיות רע, כמו אדם שנותן מעדנים מעורבים מין בשאינו מינו, שכל אחד בפני עצמו הוא טוב וכאשר נתערבו הוא מאום ורע מאוד, כך זה הוא גם כן נעשה רע.
(ג) ויש להשם יתברך ברוך הוא בזה הנאה גדולה, כמשל הבן מלך שנפל לשביה כשמביאין אותו לפני המלך הוא נהנה מאוד יותר מזה הבן שהיה אצלו תמיד:
(כש"ט ח"ב ד"ג ע"א, לקוטי אמרים ד"ד סוף ע"א)
Each person has within them potential powers. In one realm they need to use one power, and in a different realm another. As your soul ascends through the various worlds that it needs to pass through, it is tested: if it is unworthy of ascending to such a world, it is cast out. Sometimes, a foreign thought is sent to you in order to cast you out. If you are wise, however, with this very thought you might be able to connect to the Holy One. This is because thought is composed of letters, which themselves are organs of the Shechina, the Divine Presence. Yet these letters descended from their proper place on account of the force of the shattering, and their configuration is wrong. Just like some foods, even though each on their own is good, when they are mixed together they taste terrible - so too these letters, mixed as they are, are terrible.
Understand the essence of the thought - if it's a desire, it comes from the World of Desire; a fear comes from the World of Awe; pride comes from the World of Splendour; and so too with all the others...
The Holy One rejoices in such things, just like a prince who falls into captivity - when he is finally brought before the king, the king rejoices even more than with the child who is always close to him.