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A Hard Days Work
The Other Side of the Coin - 6C A Hard Days Work

ועל איזה פנים שיהיה ראוי לו להתעסק בסבות ואל ירפה מחזר עליהן כשהם ראויות למדותיו ולגופו ולאמונתו ולעולמו כאשר קדמתי ויבטח עם זה על אלהיו שלא יעזבהו ולא ירפהו ולא יתעלם ממנו כמו שנאמר (נחום א ז) טוב ה׳ ‎‎למעוז ביום צרה ויודע חוסי בו.

However the case, it is proper for him to engage in the means of earning a livelihood and not to be lax in pursuing after them, provided they are suited to his traits and physical abilities, as I previously explained. And all the while, he should trust in G-d, that He will not abandon him (in providing his needs - PL), neglect him (regarding his physical health - PL), or ignore him (in whatever trouble befalls him - PL) as written "The L-ord is good, a stronghold on a day of trouble and knows (Rashi - the needs of) those who trust in Him" (Nachum 1:7).

... כאשר יש לבעל האדמה לחרש אותה ולנקותה מן הקוצים ולזרעה ולהשקותה אם יזדמנו לו מים ויבטח על הבורא יתברך להפרותה ולשמרה מן הפגעים ותרבה תבואתה ויברך אותה הבורא ואין ראוי לו להניח האדמה מבלי עבודה וזריעה בבטחונו על גזרת הבורא שתצמיח האדמה בלתי זרע שקדם לו.

What we have explained for matters of life and death, also applies to the duty to pursue means for health, food, clothing, shelter, good habits and distancing from their opposite - (to engage in them) while firmly believing that the means to these things do not help at all in attaining them, without the decree of the Creator. Then, when a farmer must plow his field, clear it from weeds, and to sow it, and water it, when rainwater is not available, let him trust in the Creator to make it fertile, and to protect it from plagues, to increase and to bless the crops. And it is not proper to leave the land unworked and unsowed and to trust G-d and rely on His decree that it will grow fruit without being sown first.
וכן בעלי המלאכה והסחורה והשכירות מצוין לחזר על הטרף בהם עם הבטחון באלהים כי הטרף בידו ורשותו ושהוא ערב בו לאדם ומשלימו לו באיזו סבה שירצה ואל יחשב כי הסבה תועילהו או תזיקהו מאומה.
And likewise workers, merchants, and contractors are under a duty to pursue their livelihood while trusting in G-d that their livelihood is in His hands and under His control, that He guarantees to provide a man (as the verse "who gives sustenance to all flesh" - PL) and fully provides for him through whatever means He wishes. One should not think that the means can benefit or harm him in the least.