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Follow That Sukkah! - Guided Learning - Part 2

Neot Kedumim built three of the sukkot mentioned in Mishnah Sukkah 2:3.

Look at the photos. Do they look similar to what you drew?

Sukkah on a Camel: Photo from the Sukkot Exhibit, curtesy of Neot Kedumim Park
Sukkah on a Boat: Photo from the Sukkot Exhibit, curtesy of Neot Kedumim Park
A Sukkah on a Wagon: Photo from the Sukkot Exhibit, curtesy of Neot Kedumim Park

Dr. Joshua Kulp lives in Jerusalem today and he has written an explanation of the Mishnah. You can find his ideas in the commentary section of the resource panel. In the resource panel, click on “Commentary” and open “English Explanation of the Mishnah”. What new information does Dr. Kulp add about the unusual sukkot mentioned in Mishnah Sukkot 2:3?

Although we still travel on ships, we don’t generally travel on camels or wagons.

  • What would be a modern equivalent of a sukkah on a camel or wagon?
  • Draw a picture of the modern sukkah on the go or draw a picture of what a sukkah on the go might look like in the future.