מי הם הכשרים לשחוט. ובו י"ד סעיפים:
וכל זה מיירי באחרים שאינן בקיאין ויודעין אם זה השוחט בקי או לאו אבל השוחט עצמו לא ישחוט אע"פ שיודע הלכות שחיטה ומומחה עד ששחט ג"פ בפני חכם ומומחה בהלכות שחיטה שיודע שהוא רגיל וזריז שלא יתעלף
But the Shochet himself shall not shecht, even if he knows the laws of shechita and is proficient, until he has shechted 3 times in front of a learned man and one that is proficient in the laws of shechita.
כל טבח שאינו יודע הלכות שחיטה אסור לאכול משחיטתו ואלו הן שהייה דרסה חלדה הגרמה ועיקור:
"Recommended Religious Slaughter Practices"
Dr. Temple Grandin
Ritual (religious) slaughter is slaughter done according to the religious requirements of either the Jewish or Muslim religious faith. The animal is slaughtered, without being stunned, with a razor sharp knife. When the cut is done correctly, the animal appears not to feel it. From an animal welfare standpoint, the major concern during ritual (religious) slaughter are the stressful and cruel methods of restraint (holding) that are used in some plants. Progressive slaughter plants use devices to hold the animal in a comfortable, upright position. Unfortunately, there are some plants which use cruel methods of restraint such as hanging live animals upside down. At Grandin Livestock Systems, we believe that the practice of hanging live cattle and calves upside down should be eliminated. For both humane and safety reasons, plants which conduct ritual (religious) slaughter should install modern upright restraining equipment. There are many different types of humane restraint devices available.
הַאי מַאן דִּבְמַאְדִּים — יְהֵי גְּבַר אָשֵׁיד דְּמָא. אָמַר רַב אָשֵׁי: אִי אוּמָּנָא, אִי גַּנָּבָא, אִי טַבָּחָא, אִי מָהוֹלָא.
One who was born under the influence of Mars will be one who spills blood. Rav Ashi said: He will be either a blood letter, or a thief, or a slaughterer of animals, or a circumciser