1. Why did Jacob return?
2. What does it mean for Jacob to be alone?
3. Who is the 'man'?
4. What does 'avak' mean?
5. What is the significance of the wrestling or 'avaking'?
6. What is the meaning of the 'dislocation' and why the hip?
7. What is the naming ceremony signify?
8. Why must the mystery man leave before the sun rises?
In the language of the Sages, avikah is often used to convey the sense of chavikah (loop), as in: “There are avkso (loops) in the punishing scourge;”, “A couch is called dargesh when it is set up and taken apart by means of loops, through which the cords are fastened.” Similarly the word avukah (a torch) is so called in the language of the Sages because it is made up of small pieces of wood which are tied and bound together. This is because the letter cheth is difficult to pronounce in their language and so they used the easier aleph. Many times the cheth disappears completely as in tuteich (underneath) in place of techuteich; mesuta (a bath) in place of maschuta; asita (a mortar) in place of chasita. And it is possible that the word vayei’aveik is actually vayeichaveik, as vayechabkeihu (and he embraced him), for perhaps it is the way of the Hebrew language to interchange the aleph and cheth. Thus we find: And in the fourth chariot grizzled ‘amutzim’ horses, which is the same as chamitzim, derived from the expression, ‘chamutz’ (crimsoned) garments. Commentators have said that ‘va’aruzim’ for thy merchandise is like vecharuzim, derived from the expression, thy neck ‘bacharuzim’ (with beads). So too did they say concerning the word vate’altzeihu that it is like vatechaltzeihu (and she pressed him), this being an inverted form of vatilchatzeihu, [the root of which is lachatz (oppression)]. Perhaps this is the opinion of Onkelos who said, in translation of the word vayei’aveik, ve’ishtadeil, and so also he translated the expression, And if a man ‘yephateh’ “as if yeshadeil,” if he embraces and kisses which is the manner of seduction. It may be that Onkelos found no word comparable to vayei’aveik, and so he considered it a matter of cunning, for all effort implies cunning and a clarification of circumstances. In Bereshith Rabbah the Sages said: “Who became filled with dust? The man that was with him.” This agrees with the words of Menachem [ben Saruk, who said that vayei’aveik means “he covered himself with dust] “, and this is the correct interpretation.
(ב) ויאבק איש. מנחם פרש ויתעפר איש, לשון אבק, שהיו מעלים עפר ברגליהם על ידי נענועם ולי נראה שהוא לשון ויתקשר, ולשון ארמי הוא, בתר דאביקו בה, ואבק לה מיבק, לשון עניבה, שכן דרך שנים שמתעצמים להפיל איש את רעהו שחובקו ואובקו בזרועותיו. ופירשו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה שהוא שרו של עשו:
and a man wrestled: Heb. וַיֵאָבֵק. Menachem (p. 14) explains: And a man became covered with dust, derived from אָבָק, dust, for they were raising dust with their feet through their movements. I believe, however, that it is a term meaning that he attached himself, and it is an Aramaic expression [found in the Talmud] (Sanh. 63b):“After they became attached (דָּאִבִיקוּ) to it,”“and he would tie it (וְאָבִיק לֵיהּ מֵיבַק),” for so is the habit of two people who make strong efforts to throw each other down, that one embraces the other and attaches himself to him with his arms. Our Rabbis explained (Gen. Rabbah 77:3, 78:3) that this was the prince (guardian angel) of Esau.
(א) ויגע בכף ירכו. קלית הירך התקוע בקלבוסית קרוי כף, על שם שהבשר שעליה כמין כף של קדרה:
he touched the socket of his hip: The upper thigh bone that is thrust into the hip bone is called the כַּף, lit., ladle, because the flesh on it is like a sort of pot ladle.
(ב) ותקע. נתקעקעה ממקום מחברתה, ודומה לו (ירמיה ו ח) פן תקע נפשי ממך, לשון הסרה ובמשנה לקעקע ביצתן, לשרש שרשיהן:
became dislocated: Heb. וַתִּקַע. It became dislocated from its joint, and similar to this (Jer. 6:8):“lest My soul be alienated (תֵּקַע) from you,” and in the Mishnah: לְקַעִקֵע ַבִּיצָתָן, to tear out their roots. — [from Gen. Rabbah 77:3]
3. It was time for Yaakov to continue with his journey, no real reason why the morning specifically
(א) שלחני כי עלה השחר: כאילו הוא מתבייש כי לא יכול לו (קלער') וגם לחזק את לבו.
Send me for the morning light has if he were embarassed by his inability to overcome Jacob and also, to strengthen Jacob's heart (?)
ונאבק עמו עד עלות השחר, רמז לו בזה, כי תהיה לו אורה אחר שחשכה, כי הצרה נמשלת ללילה וחשכה לפיכך בא אליו בלילה ונאבק עמו עד עלות השחר, רמז לו שיהיה לו רוח והצלה שהוא כאור אחר חשכה:
The fact that the struggle lasted until daybreak was an allusion to Yaakov that after a period of night, i.e. problems, adversity, there would come a period of light, peace and prosperity coupled with security..
Your doctor must have a broken leg to doctor.
Your defects are the ways that glory gets manifested.
Whoever sees clearly what’s diseased in himself
Begins to gallop on the Way
Don’t turn your head. Keep looking at the bandaged place.
That’s where the light enters you.
Jal-al-luddin Rumi