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~ Pride Torah IV
Living an authentic life: rabbis and transgender ~ Pride Torah IV


At just under 14 million people worldwide, Jewish people make up 0.2% of the world’s population. The vast majority of Jews live in Israel (41%) or in the US (41%) with 10% of the world’s Jews in the EU, 3% in Canada, and 3% in all of Asia outside of Israel.

Trans and other gender-variant people in Western societies include a wide range of people who feel that the sexes and/or genders to which they were assigned at birth are not consistent with their own identities. Recent estimates of the incidence
of transgender people in Western urban locales are between 0.5% and 1% of the population.

In the simplest version, “sex” refers to the biological characteristics of a person, whereas gender refers to social characteristics. Transgender activist Virginia Prince is widely attributed with having quipped “Sex is between the legs. Gender is between the ears.”

Sexes and genders may be assigned to people at birth, may be identities that develop and change over time, and may be attributed by others on the basis of observed characteristics. Physical sex can be comprised of many variables, such as chromosomes, hormones, internal and external reproductive organs, and secondary sex characteristics, all of which may appear in a myriad of combinations. Furthermore, which characteristics are definitive of the sexes of individuals have been the subject of intense public, legal, legislative, medical and religious debates, with outcomes varying widely. The fact that such debates occur at all highlights that what counts as a person’s sex is ultimately the result of a set of contingent and socially negotiated agreements, rather than the inevitable results of physiological imperatives.

In addition to their assigned sexes, individuals also have sex identities, that is to say that people recognize themselves as being members of a sex category. For most people, their assigned sex is also the sex with which they identify, whereas among transgender people, this may not be the case. Other people also make assumptions and draw conclusions about the sexes of people they meet, most frequently on the basis of a cursory visual appraisal of the person’s outward appearance and without being privy to detailed physical information.

Genders refer to the constellation of ways that people in various societies are supposed to look, act, think, and feel on the basis of their originally assigned sexes. For most purposes, gender is treated as if it is synonymous with sex. The genders of men and women are commonly presumed to be natural and inevitable because of biological imperatives. Women and men are thought to look, think, feel, and act the way they do because they have physical sexes that cause them to do so. A minority opinion is that genders are entirely the result of the forces of socialization, whereas the dominant expert opinion is that genders are a result of a mixture of biological and social influences. Genders, like sexes, may be assigned, may be identities, or may be attributed.

Because normally the words sex and gender are used interchangeably to mean the same thing, when a sex is assigned at birth, the corresponding gender is, in effect, also assigned. Males are assigned as boys, later to become men; females are assigned as girls, later to become women. When people are accepting of their assigned sexes and genders as correctly representing their inner senses of themselves, the term cisgender may be used either as an identity or as an attribution.

When people feel that their originally-assigned sexes or genders are not appropriate to who they feel themselves to be, they may identify as transgender, trans, or a variety of other non-standard identities, some of which do not reinforce a binary notion of there being only two genders. Trans people may transform themselves so as to become completely and permanently recognized as another sex and gender, or they may feel that some more intermediate expression of their gender and sex identities is appropriate.

[Aaron H. Devor, Transgender People and Jewish Law

Read more:

Also: Poveda, Oriol - According to whose will - The entanglements of gender & religion in the lives of transgender Jews with an Orthodox background.

~ Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg was a rabbi and dayan on the Supreme Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem and the foremost authority on medicine and halacha. He was known as the Tzitz Eliezer, after his monumental halachic treatise by that name, covering everything from Jewish ritual to medical ethics. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest halachic works of the 20th century.

For many years, Rav Waldenberg served as a community rabbi at a small synagogue on Jaffa Road adjacent to the Shaare Tzedek Hospital. Many doctors prayed at the synagogue and brought their questions to the rabbi. Rav Waldenberg began to answer their questions about Jewish law and its application to medical ethics, and would come to teach a weekly medical ethics class to the hospital's doctors and nurses.

December 10, 1915 (Jerusalem, Palestine) - November 21, 2006 (Jerusalem, Israel)

Those are the only pictures available in the internet

Tzitz Eliezer

  • 10:25:26 (1967)
  • 11:78 (1970)
  • 22:2 (1997)

Teshuvah #1

10:25:26 (1967)

The question: If it were possible for Reuven to receive the heart of Shimon, what is the halachic status of Reuven? Does he remain Reuven or does he become somehow Shimon?


The third reason. The connection and existence of a person is not dependent on pieces of the body that are separate and there are more important than others. It only depends on the soul and dispute inside the person, and it's important to notice what the Chatam Sofer writes: “the body a person is just a bag made of dust, and inside this material bag the person is concealed, which is the internal intellect and once thoughts and knowledge which are the essence of a person. See there.

And so too in the book Chevel Yaakov of it is written something incredible call: “behold in the language of people one says “my hand, my heart, my shoulder”; one says this about the entire body: this body is mine. But behold the essence of a person is something other, which is spirit of life, and so the body of a person is really extra to what the person is.

Moreover, in Yalkut Shimeoni at the beginning of Mishlei, there is a dispute between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua about where does wisdom dwell. Rabbi Eliezer understands wisdom is found in the head and Rabbi Yehoshua understands the wisdom is found in the heart, see there. And it is logical that the place where the soul dwells is actually the brain and all opinions agree to this. It is also common to say that “the soul that is in my brain". And it's particularly good what is explained about this in the Nefesh Chayim Gate 1 chapter 14: “the place where the spirit dwells is mostly the heart, and the breath of speech, which is its essence and beginning, comes up from the heart but the thought, which is the aspect of the Soul, which teaches a person understanding and knowledge of our holy Torah, the essence of its dwelling is the brain, which is the vessel of thought and is the upper aspect between them, see there, and also what he added regarding what is written about the speech of God that is inside a person in chapter 19, see there.

And so, even if one wants to connect the essence of a person to the King, behold one still needs to connect it to the brain. And we all know that there is no way of moving the brain from one body to another, and all the doctors agree with this.

That is to say that the life-force that moves a person is the essence of a person, and all one's body parts are moved by it, with no exceptions.


It is necessary to seriously examine the question of identity in a case where a major organic change has been made in the body itself – for example a change from being a male to being a female or the reverse. According to what I have heard - and this has also been publicized by various newspaper columnists - these types of operations are offered today in special rare circumstances. In these cases in which the body is drastically changed, surgery truly creates many halachic questions regarding the establishment of identity and true status....

Regarding a respected talmid chacham from Jerusalem who wrote about a number of cases where a woman became a man. He also explained that there is really no great difference between male and female genitals except that one is external and the other is internal (meaning that a woman has internally a foreskin and testes even though they are not like the testes of a man)...

Given that reality, the author discussed his uncertainty whether the woman who has changed into a man is obligated in mila or whether she is exempt. He concludes that she is exempt since the verse for the mitzva of mila says to circumcise the “male foreskin”. This implies that circumcision is only required if a person is born a male but not someone who was born a female and became a male....

Similarly I saw in the sefer Yosef es Achiv (3:5) by Rabbi Yosef Pilaggi that he asks, “Reuven married a certain woman, a virgin in Israel, and lived with her as a man and a woman, and after a few years something happened to her, and she then became a man - completely. Does Reuven require a divorce in the law of Moshe and Israel, because she was his wife? Or perhaps no Get is required because she is no longer a woman but a man?

He answers that it seems that she doesn’t need a Get because she is no longer a woman and the Get states that the husband is giving the Get to a woman who is his wife. The Get also states that it allows her to marry another man... and it obviously is not allowed for a man to marry another man... It would seem in my humble opinion that there is no need for a Get if his wife has fully become a man, in name and body. And this is similar to the case of a man who finds that his wife is an aylonit, and in that case no Get is needed either. We infer from that case that in this case, in which the woman became a full man, a Get is not needed either. It would also seem that this case, of a person who was originally a woman and became a man, that he should not say the beracha ‘who has not made me a woman’ because he was in fact born a woman. Instead he should say ‘who has changed me into a man.’

... And in my mind, this case is also similar to the questions brought by the Teromut Deshen 102, where he brings the question regarding the wife of Elijah the prophet, of the wife of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, whether they can be married to another man, in case some other person has the same merit as they. And it is simple: the "wife of your fellow" is forbidden to marry another man, but not "the wife of an angel", that is completely spirit and has no body at all.


So returning to our question: it is clear that the man who receives the heart has no connection at all to the donor or the heart, even if a change in thoughts and actions can be discerned after the surgery. And finally, I want to reinforce this strongly, that the issue of swapping hearts is a clear prohibition, as we explained in previous chapters.”

Teshuvah #2

22:2 (1997)

"My question: I am dealing with this in the hospital. A baby was born, a year ago, and at birth it was not possible to determine for certain its gender. At a first look the baby seemed to be a girl, and received the name Yarona.

It is important to make a few details clear. At six months, the external organs looked like female, with labia and a small member that looked like a clitoris, but inside the labia there was a part that looked like a testes. The genetic tests indicated that the chromosomes were XY, yet a internal examination showed no internal reproductive organs, and the part that looked like testes is, indeed, testes. From a medical perspective, it is easier to do a small surgery and make the bay into a girl, even though she wouldn't be able to conceive, and also from a psychological perspective it would be easier to bring her up as a girl, since to try to make the baby into a boy would bring many more surgeries that would not accomplish full functioning manhood. This one surgery would take away this singular testes, and would prevent it from making the hormonal masculine changes, which would complicate the transformation into a female.

Is it permissible to change the gender of this child to female, overriding the genetic masculine makeup? Is it permissible to castrate this child, in this case, since from the outside the baby already looks like a female?

In my opinion, the type of being around which this question centers is not to be considered androgynous, since according to the Talmud the signs of an androgynous is that they have both masculine and feminine organs visible at all times, and this is also what we find in Maimonides: "a person who has a masculine member and a feminine member is called androgynous, and there is a doubt whether this person is male or female, and there are no clear signs of only masculinity or femininity ever." And other decisors say that it is possible that the signs of masculinity and femininity appear at certain times and disappear at certain times.

... And in this case, as described in the letter, the outside organs look like female, and externally there is no male sign. It was only an internal examination that showed a masculine body. In my opinion we are dealing with a female, since the external organs are the determining factor regarding gender. (And by the way, I heard from a doctor that the hormones are similar in males and females, and what changes are the percentages of each, and therefore it is clear that the external organs are the defining factor of gender in practical terms.)

...And it is possible to cut away the one testes left, and there is not transgression regarding castration of males.

... However, in the issue of a tumtum, as their body changes so their mitzvot changes, and so we need a clear picture whether these changes through surgery will make this child a obvious female, particularly because the surgery will be carried out before puberty... Notwithstanding all this, it is permitted to change the gender of this child that from a genetic perspective is male, to female.

Teshuvah #3

שו"ת ציץ אליעזר חלק כב סימן ב

בירור הלכה אודות איש שנהפך לאשה מה דינו.

ב"ה. יום ה' כ"ב שבט תשנ"ז. ירושלים עיה"ק תובב"א.

למע"כ ידיד נפשי וידי"ע הגאון הגדול מופלא ומופלג בנגלה ובנסתר כש"ת מוהר"ר מרדכי אליהו שליט"א. הרה"ר והראשון לציון אחדשכת"ה באהבה וכבוד.

על אודות מה שנשאל מחו"ל בגבר שנהפך לגמרי לאשה, מה דינו וכו', ואמרתי לו בפגישתנו הקודמת שזכורני ששאלה מעין זאת נשאל הג"ר יוסף פלאג'י באחד מספריו ובאתי הביתה וחפשתי בתיקים שלי, כי זכורני שבזמנו עשיתי העתק מזה, והצטערתי שחפשתי הרבה מאד ולא מצאתיו, ותמול בפגישתנו השניה כששמעתי מכת"ר שעדיין לא מצא זאת בספר הצטערתי ביותר, ובבואי הביתה שבתי לחפש שנית בחיפוש מחופש בין כתבי, והנה בסייעתא דשמיא קוים בי מאמרם ז"ל במגילה ד' ו' ע"ב, ויגעתי ומצאתי כת"י ההעתק שהעתקתי בזמנו מהגר"י פלאג'י הנ"ל. שם הספר הוא "יוסף את אחיו" להרב ר' יוסף פלאג'י.

והנני מתכבד להמציא לו בזה את הכתוב שם על בלי הפך באשה שנהפכה לגבר. אבל נוכל ללמוד משם בהיקש ובגזירה שוה בדימוי מילתא למילתא לכמה ומכמה הלכות שהספר כותב ומביא שם בהיכא שקרה מקרה כזה.

וזה לשון הספר יוסף את אחיו במערכת ג' אות ב': בא שאלה אחת לפ"י לשאול ממו"ר יצ"ו אם צריך גט כדת מו"י אם יארע כזאת. והוא בראובן שנשא אשה א' בתולה כאחת בנות ישראל והיה עמה כדרך איש ואשה, ואחר כמה שנים רבות קרה לה מקרה דנשתנית מנקבה לזכר בכל מכל כל, מהו הדין לזאת שהיתה נקבה ואשת איש ונעשית זכר וצריך להנשא וליקח אשה אחרת צריך ראובן זה ליתן גט כריתות שיגרשנה בגט כדת מו"י כיון שהיתה אשתואשת איש. א"ד אינו צריך ליתן גט כלל כיון שאינה אשה כ"א איש, ואל תתמה על שאלה כזאת שהכל באפשר אין כל חדש תחת השמש כמו שתראה בס' יד נאמן בלקוטים דס"ב ע"ב שהביא כמה מאורעות כזה ובכלל כתב שבתולה אחת בזמן שהיו מכניסין אותה לחופה נתהפכה לזכר כיעש"ב.

תשובה: כיוצא בדבר כתב הרב יד נאמן ז"ל שם משם קונטרוס לאחד קדוש מחכמי ירושלי' ת"ו מכ"י שהולך ומסתפק אם האשה הלזו חייבת במילה אופטורה, ופשיט לה דפטורה מטעם מאמר הכתוב דכתיב וערל זכר וכו' דזכר מעיקרו הוא דחייב במילה אבל נקבה מעיקרה ונעשית זכר לא עכ"ד יע"ש, ובענין שאלתנו נראה דלא צריך גט דזכר הוא עתה ולא אשה, דהרי בנוסח הגט הוא דאיש נותן גט לאשתו וכותב אנת אנתתי, ולא יש לפנינו אתתא כ"א גבר איש, וגם כותב לה רשאה ושלטאה להתנסבה לכל גבר וכו' ולא אתחזי לגבר דאיהו עצמו גבר, וגם כותב בגט את מותרת לכל אדם וכו' לשון זה דמותרת לכ"א והרי אינה אשה שראוי' ומותרת לכ"א, ולהזכיר השם שהוא פ' בן פ' שקר הוא דובר דאין כאן בן.

(בכאן מתאר הספר איך יתכן מקרה כזה בדרך טבעי. וממשיך וכותב:

עכ"פ נראה לע"ד דאינו צריך ראובן ליתן גט לאשתו שנעשה איש גו"ש, ואמינא לה ממ"ש הרב תוס' יו"ט ז"ל בפ"ד דגיטין מ"ח דאיתא שם המוציא את אשתו משום אילונית וכו' שהביא דברי הר"ן ז"ל וז"ל המוציא את אשתו משום אילונית לשון הר"ן פי' שחשב שהיא אילונית גמורה דהיינו דוכרניתא דלאילדה וגרשה בגט, ואעפ"י שהאילונית אינה צריכה גט כדתנן ביבמות רפ"ק וכולן שמתו או שמיאנו או שנמצאו אילונית צרותיהן מותרת ואילו היתה צריכה גט ואפי' מדרבנן לא היתה מותרת להתירם דהו"ל צרת ערוה וכדאיתא התם, י"ל דלא נולדו בה סימני אילונית גמורות אלא שהוא חשב כן והיינו דקתני סיפא נישאת לאחר והיה לה בנים הימנו והיא תובעת כתובתה וכו' יעוש"ב, והשתא אמינא ק"ו ומה אילונית בסימנים דוקא שהיא אילונית וסימניה הביא הר' ר"ע ז"ל בפ"א דיבמות מ"א יע"ש אמרינן דאינה צריכה גט מבעלה כ"ש וק"ו בנ"ד דאשה זאת אית לה סימנים הרבה שהוא גבר איש בחוש הראות לעיני הכל דלא צריכה גט דזאת אינה אשה כ"א איש ממש, וגם אמינא דאיש כזה שהיה אשה תחילה ונהפך לאיש נ"ל כשאומר ברכת השחר אינו אומר בא"י אמ"ה שלא עשני אשה. משום דכבר נעשית אשה תחילה בבטן אמו והוציאו לאויר העולם בצורת אשה, אלא מברך בא"י אמ"ה שהפכתי לאיש.

וכשמוע דברי ה"ה אחד מרשומי חכמי אזמור יע"א רב רחומאי פלפלא חריפא שדעתו יפה הרב הכולל כמוה"ר כמוה"ר אליא אבולעפיא נר"ו דיבר בקדשו עמ"ש פה יאמיני מו"ר יצ"ו שאין לי פנאי ויכולת לעיין בדבריו אלה אשר כתב, וז"ל דבר אליהו, מ"ש הרב יד נאמן דזכר מעיקרו הוא דחייב במיל הקשה דאטו ערל זכר מעיקרו כתיב ערל כתיב והרי הוא ערל זכר. ומ"ש אדונ'י ר"ם נר"ו ראיה מאילונית וכתב כ"ש וק"ו, אחר המ"ר לא כל דכן הוא וגם אינה ראיה דאם היה הדבר במציאות שנשא אשה ראויה לילד ושוב נעשה אילונית ובכל זאת פוטרין אותה בגט ויבום וחליצה היתה הראיה טובה, לאכן עתה דמעיקרא אילונית ועתה אילונית היא, משא"כ זאת דנהפכת דנישואין גמורין והקנאה גמורה קנאה דראויה היתה לו וא"כ לא קרב זה אל זה. אלא דלענ"ד יפה שתיקה בעולם הפוך ובדבר שאינו מצוי, ויעוין בה' פסח דהשמיט בש"ע דין עכבר נכנס ועכבר יוצא מפני שאינו מצוי, ובכל זאת לפישיטתו אשאל מאתו כאשר יהיה הדבר דאחר זמן שנפכה לאיש חזרה חנה לשחרותה והיתה לאשה אי חשיבא בריה חדשה וזאת היא אחרת ואי בעלה מאיס עליה מותרת לאחר בלי גט מהראשון כדברי רב יוסף סיני נר"ו הותרה לגמרי, ואם נשאת לאחר ושוב גירשה וירצה בעלה הראשון לשוב לקחתה רשאי וליכא משום מחזיר גרושתו אחר שנשאה לאחר, או דילמא הרי היא כמות שהיתה מעיקרא והיא היא ואין דנין אותה כבריה חדשה ואגידה ביה בראשון ובתר מעיקרא והשתא אזלינן דהיא אשה ואין התהפכות מחדש דבר, וכאשר יהיה הדבר ול"ו יבא אזי נראה איזה צד מכריע. עכ"ל הספר יוסף את אחיו.

רואים אנו ונוכחים לדעת כמה התהפכיות שיכולים להיות במקרה כזה בהלכה עד שיוכלו להגיע להחלטה ברורה בכל שאלה ושאלה שמתעוררת במקרה כזה באיש או באשה.

ב) אוסיף לציין גם לדברי הקרבן נתנאל על הרא"ש בסוף פרק ח' דיבמות בסוף סק"ו שכותב וז"ל: ואני מצאתי בספר מעשה טוביה מאמר עולם קטן פ' ה' שכתב בשם כמה חכמי רופאים שהעידו על כמה אנדרוגינוס שילד בנים מאשתו ואח"כ נישאת היא לזכר ותלדנה בנים כנקבה גמורה עכ"ל. והובא זהגם ברי"ט אלגזי להלכות בכורות פרק ו' אות נ"ח ובלשון יותר מתוקן: וז"ל: ובחכמי המחקר כתבו דהיה מעשה באנדרוגינוס שהיו נישאות לאנשיםותלדנה בנים ובנות ואח"כ נשאו להם נשים והולידו ג"כ בנים ובנות וכמ"ש בספר מעשה טוביה בחלק עולם קטן פ"ה יעו"ש.

ג) באשר על כן נלענ"ד שבמקרה שלפנינו יש לתת לו דין אנדרוגינוס [או טומטום]. ודיני אנדרוגינוס וטומטום קבצתי וביררתי בהרחבה בספרי שו"ת ציץ אליעזר חלק שלישי סימן י"ג, ובאם הוא בריה בפני עצמו או ספק כדיעו"ש.

והנני בידידות ובהערצה אליעזר יהודא וולדינברג

22:2 (1997)

Regarding what was asked from outside of the land of Israel, about a man who became a woman completely, what are the laws? And I told the questioner that I recalled that such a question was asked of Rabbi Yosef Pelaggi, ... in his book Yosef Et Achiv.

And there the case is that a woman changes to become a man, and does not revert back. And it is possible to learn from that case...

And here is its text, in Yosef Et Achiv 3:2 - "a question arrived regarding, if in a situation like this, one needs a Get according to the laws of Moshe and Israel. And the situation is that Reuven married a certain woman, virgin, as one of the daughters of Israel, and he was with her as a man is with a woman, and after many years something happened to her that she transformed from female to male in all aspects [bakol mikol kol]. What is the law regarding her, that was female and a married woman, and became a male, and [Reuven] needs to marry and take another wife, does Reuven need to give a Get, so as to divorce her according to the laws of Moshe and Israel, since she once was a woman and married to him? There are those who say that he does not need to give a Get at all, since she is not a woman but a man now. And do not be astounded by such a question, since everything is possible and there is nothing new under the sun, as you will see in the book Yad Neeman in Likutim 62b, there were a few incidents like this, and he writes about this one virgin that as she was brought under the chupah she transformed into a male, as it is written there."

Answer: As it comes from this question, the Yad Neeman z"l wrote there in the name of the works of a certain holy sage in Jerusalem, from the sages of Israel, that wonders if such a woman needs brit mila, or not. And it is obvious that she does not, since the scripture says "an uncircumcised male" (Genesis 17:14), a male from the outset is obligated to brit mila, but not a female from the outset, who then becomes a male. See there. And regarding our question it is clear that there is no need for a Get, since now he is a male. And behold, in the text of the Get is that the man gives a Get to his wofe, and it is written "you, my woman", and there is no woman in front of us at all, but rather a man, a male. And it is also written "you are free to go and marry any male" and it is not seen that to free this male to another male. And it is also written in the Get "you are permitted [fem. verb] to to other men" and this language, "permitted" simply does not apply, since this is not a woman, how can he be permitted [fem.]? And maybe the name "Ploni ben Ploni" is a lie, since he was not a "son"."

a) From here on the book wonders about how this could have happen naturally. And it continues: "Even though it seems to my humble opinion that Reuven does not need to give a Get to his wife that became a man, completely, and I say this based on what the Rabbi Tosfot Yom Tov wrote regarding the fourth chapter of Gittin Mishnah 4:8, in the question of a man who finds out that his wife is an aylonit, etc. and he brings the words of the Ra"N - "and he wrote a Get to her, even though we know that an aylonit does not need a Get, as taught in Yevamot ... and this is because he thought she was an aylonit, but she showed no signs of being clearly one. And after, she married another man, and hd children from him, and wanted her ketubah from the previous husband, see there, and I would say that if she had clear signs then she does not receive her ketubah, and she needs no Get - all the more so this case, in which everyone can see this is a man, and truly one. And so this person, that was a woman in the beginning and became a man, it seems to me that he does not say 'that did not make me a woman' but 'that transformed me into a man'"...

b) It is appropriate to add the words of the Korban Netanael on the R"osh at the end of the 8th chapter of Yevamot: "And I found in the Book Ma'ase Tuvia, in the Ma'amar Olam Katan, 5th chapter, that he wrote in the name of several doctors that they attested that an androgynous who had children with his wife, and then married a man, and had children from that man, just like a full fledged woman." And in the Halachot Berurot of the R"it Algazi, 6:58: "and the researchers wrote that there were androgynous people who married men, and gave birth to sons and daughters, and afterwards they married women, and the women gave birth to sons and daughters. And the same is written in Maaseh Tuvia Olam Katan chapter 5 see there".

3) And it seems to my humble opinion that in this particular case we are talking about someone who is androgynous, or tumtum. And the laws regarding those cases were specified in Tzitz Eliezer third volume, Siman 13, and whether this is a completely new creation or there is doubt about this, see there.