(ืื) ืึฐืึธืึตื, ืึฒืคึดืืืึผ ืงึทื ืฉืึถืึฐึผืงึทืึผึดืื ืึผืคืึนืฉืึฐืขึตื ืึดืฉืึฐืจึธืึตื ืืึนืกึฐืจึดืื ื ึทืคึฐืฉืึธื ืขึทื ืงึฐืืึผืฉึผืึทืช ืืณ, ืขึทื ืึธืจืึนื, ืึฐืกืึนืึฐืึดืื ืขึดืื ึผืึผืึดื ืงึธืฉืึดืื ืฉืึถืึนึผื ืึดืึฐืคึผืึนืจ ืึทึผืืณ ืึถืึธื.
(ืื) ืึฐืึทืฃ ืึดื ืึตื ืึผืึผืจึดืื ืึฐืขึทืึผึตื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ ืึฐืึตืื ืืึนืึฐืขึดืื ืึผึฐืืึผืึทึผืช ืืณ, ืึฐืึทื ืึทึผืึฐืขึทื ืฉืึถืึผืึนืึฐืขึดืื ืึตืื ืึดืชึฐืึผืึนื ึฐื ึดืื ืึฐึผืึธื, ืึฐืึตืื ืืึนืกึฐืจึดืื ื ึทืคึฐืฉืึธื ืึตืึฒืึทืช ืึผึทืขึทืช ืึฐืึดืชึฐืึผืึนื ึฐื ืึผืช ืึทึผืืณ ืึฐึผืึธื, ืึถืึธึผื ืึฐึผืึดื ืฉืืึผื ืึผึทืขึทืช ืึฐืึดืชึฐืึผืึนื ึฐื ืึผืช, ืจึทืง ืึฐึผืึดืึผืึผ ืืึผื ืึผึธืึธืจ ืฉืึถืึดื ืึถืคึฐืฉืึธืจ ืึฐึผืึธื ืึดืึฐืคึผืึนืจ ืึทึผืืณ ืึถืึธื, ืึฐึผืึดื ืฉืืึผื ืึทืขึทื ืึฐืึทืขึฒื ึธื ืึผืึทืขึฒื ึถื ืึฐึผืึธื.
(ืื) ืึฐืึทืึฐืื ืึผ, ืึดืฉึผืืึผื ืฉืึถืืณ ืึถืึธื ืึตืึดืืจ ืึผืึฐืึทืึถึผื ืึธึผื ืึทื ึถึผืคึถืฉื, ืขึทื ืึฐืึตื ืึดืชึฐืึทืึฐึผืฉืืึผืชืึน ืึดึผืึฐืึดืื ึทืช ืึธืึฐืึธื ืฉืึถืึธึผืึผ, ืฉืึถืึดืื ืึฐืึทืขึฐืึธื ืึดื ืึทืึผึทืขึทืช ืึฐืึทืฉึผืึตืึถื ืึทืึผืึผืฉึผืึธื ืึผืืึผืึธื:
(12) Therefore even the most worthless of worthless and the transgressors of the Israelites, in the majority of cases, sacrifice their lives for the sanctity of Gโdโs Name and suffer harsh torture rather than deny the one Gโd, although they be boors and illiterate and ignorant of Gโdโs greatness.
(13) [For] whatever little knowledge they do possess, they do not delve therein at all, [and so] they do not give up their lives by reason of any knowledge and contemplation of Gโd. Rather [do they suffer martyrdom] without any knowledge and reflection, but as if it were absolutely impossible to renounce the one Gโd and without any reason or hesitation whatsoever.
(14) This is because the one Gโd illuminates and animates the entire nefesh, through being clothed in its faculty of chochmah, which is beyond any graspable and understood knowledge or intelligence.