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Meet the New Sefaria Developer Portal
February 27, 2024 | 18 Adar I 5784
Behind the Sefaria library are over a million lines of code and a powerful API. While this code goes unseen by most people, it’s arguably the most important part of the library — in part because anyone can freely use it.
For the last 10 years, we’ve been ingesting the Jewish canon, generating data that can be repurposed by other Torah technologies forever. Now, we’re excited to introduce a new hub for software developers to more easily utilize Sefaria’s open-source data in their own projects.
Here’s why it matters: Making Sefaria’s data more accessible means that more Torah technologies can be built better and faster… which means more opportunities for Jewish learning for all.
Already, more than 200 Torah technologies make use of Sefaria’s data, from popular sites like My Jewish Learning and Hadran to newer tools like With our new Developer Portal, we're working to make the digital building blocks of our library — the data surrounding 3,000 years of Jewish texts — accessible to a wider range of developers.

In the new Sefaria Developer Portal, you’ll find:

  • A growing collection of endpoints included in our interactive API reference
  • Essential documentation about working with Sefaria’s data and API
  • Access to download-ready data
  • How to get in touch with our engineering team
  • …and more.
This is just the beginning of a larger initiative to make options for working with Sefaria data more accessible and robust.
To stay in the loop, sign up for our new quarterly newsletter just for developers, which includes tech updates and behind-the-scenes content from our engineering team.