(14) Look to the Divine;
be strong and courageous
And look to God!
(ז) וְאַף־עַל־פִּי שֶׁהוּא קוֹרֵא וְצוֹעֵק לְהַשֵּׁם יִתְבָּרַךְ זֶה זְמַן רַב מְאֹד, וַעֲדַיִן הוּא רָחוֹק מְאֹד מְאֹד, אַף־עַל־פִּי־כֵן אִם יִהְיֶה חָזָק וְאַמִּיץ בִּתְפִלּוֹת וּבַקָּשׁוֹת, בְּוַדַּאי סוֹף כָּל סוֹף יַעֲנֵהוּ הַשֵּׁם יִתְבָּרַךְ וִיקָרְבוֹ לַעֲבוֹדָתוֹ בֶּאֱמֶת, בְּוַדַּאי בְּלִי סָפֵק, רַק חֲזַק וֶאֱמָץ. וּכְמוֹ שֶׁאָמְרוּ רַבּוֹתֵינוּ זִכְרוֹנָם לִבְרָכָה (ברכות לב), שֶׁתְּפִלָּה צָרִיךְ חִזּוּק, כְּמוֹ שֶׁכָּתוּב (תהילים כ״ז:י״ד): קַוֵּה אֶל ה׳ חֲזַק וְיַאֲמֵץ לִבֶּךָ וְקַוֵּה אֶל ה׳, וּפֵרֵשׁ רַשִׁ"י: וְאִם לֹא תִּתְקַבֵּל תְּפִלָּתְךָ, חֲזֹר וְקַוֵּה. וְכֵן לְעוֹלָם, עַד יַשְׁקִיף וְיֵרֶא ה׳ מִשָּׁמָיִם:
(7) And even if a person has been calling and shouting out to God for an extremely long time and is still very, very distant, if she persists and perseveres in the prayers and supplications, ultimately God will certainly answer her. And God will certainly and without any doubt genuinely bring her closer to God's service, as long as she remains strong and courageous. This is as our Sages, of blessed memory, taught (Berakhot 32b) : Prayer requires encouragement, as it is written, “Hope to God! Be strong, and God will give you courage. And hope to God!” (Psalms 27:14). Rashi explains: And if your prayer is not accepted, go back and hope. And keep on doing this forever, “until God looks down from heaven and sees” (Lamentations 3:50).
(3) O let none who hope for You be disappointed;
let the faithless be disappointed, empty-handed.
Rav Yitzchak Hutner-Sefer Hazikaron 25
The world works in such a way that when your hopes are fulfilled, that fulfillment serves to nullify the hope itself. Meaning, once your wish is attained, you’re no longer sustained by that original hope. With regard to our relationship with God, the greatest wish is the hope for dependence on something greater. Someone's heart who is filled with this, then finds salvation, the experience of salvation is actually a descent. Once our wish is fulfilled, we lose out on the feeling of hope. Our relationship with God is in such a way that even when we get what we hope for, nevertheless, we will retain a residual trace of the feeling of hope.
This is why it says here to make known that all who hope won’t be disappointed. Hope is more valuable than what is hoped for. Because the goal of hope is not to gain something or to move yourself somewhere. Hope is in and of itself the goal.