ADAM. The Sefiroth, or divine grades, represented as a man, e.g. Hesed the right arm, Hod the left thigh, etc.1For the Sefiroth and divine grades, see Appendix I.
AGADAHS. Homilies and discourses of the Rabbis.
AMIDAH. The principal part of all the three daily prayers, to be recited quietly and in a standing posture.
ANCIENT OF DAYS. The highest of the Grades of the Godhead.
APPLE FIELD. A name for the Garden of Eden.
ARMS. The divine grades Hesed (Right Arm) and Geburah (Left Arm) (v. Adam).
ARQA. One of the seven levels of the earth.
BEAUTY OF ISRAEL. The Sefirah Tifereth.
BODY. The Sefirah Tifereth.
CENTRAL PILLAR. A name for the Sef rah Tifereth, which unites the Right and the Left.
CHARIOT. That which God directly controls.
CHIEFTAINS. The celestial chiefs and guardians attached to the various nations of the earth.
COMMUNITY OF ISRAEL. The Shekinah in its connection with the people of Israel.
COVENANT. The sign of circumcision (v. Genesis 17).
CROWNED. Glorified.
DAUGHTER. Same as Female (q.v.).
DISCLOSED. The divine grades following the first three.
DROSS OF GOLD. The k'lifoth, outer shells or lower-grade spirits.
DUMA. The spirit in charge of Gehinnom.
EL SHADDAI. God Almighty.
FATHER. The second of the divine grades (v. Appendix, Vol.I).
FEMALE. The last of the divine grades, synonymous with the Shekinah (v. Appendix).
FIELD OF APPLE-TREES. The Garden of Eden.
FIRE. The emblem of the grade Geburah.
FOUNDATION (Yesod). The ninth Sefirah, also called Zaddik.
FOUNDATION OF WORLD. A synonym for the Zaddik (q.v.).
GEBURAH (lit. force, might). The presiding grade of the left side, the source of rigour and chastisement (v. Appendix).
GEDULAH (lit. greatness). Another name for the Sefirah Hesed.
GRADE. Any degree in the scale of being; often=angel or demon.
HANUKAH. The Feast of Dedication.
HAYYAH (lit. animal). The highest grade of angel.
HOLY ONE. A name commonly applied to God in the aspect of Tifereth (q.v.).
HUSBAND. The divine grade called Hokmah (Wisdom).
ISRAEL. A name given to the highest of the divine grades.
JUBILEE. The supernal world; Moses as distinguished from Jacob.
KING. The highest of the divine grades.
KLIFOTH (lit. ‘shells’ or ‘husks’). The powers of evil.
LAD. A synonym for Metatron (q.s.).
LAND OF LIFE. The Future World.
LEBANON (Trees or Cedars of). The Six Days of Creation with their associated grades.
LEFT. The side of Geburah (v. Appendix).
LESSER COUNTENANCE. The Sefirah Tifereth (Kether being the ‘long countenance’).
MALE. The upper world in its relation to the Shekinah (v. Appendix).
MALKUTH (lit. sovereignty). The tenth Sefirah: esp., the Shekinah in connection with Tifereth (q.v.).
MATRON. One of the names of the Shekinah.
MAZZAL (lit. constellation, luck). The allotted portion of a human being.
METATRON. The chief of the Chieftains (q.v.), the power charged with the sustenance of mankind.
METATRON. [alt.] The head of the ‘world of creation’, called also the ’servant’ or the ‘body’ of the Shekinah.
MEZUZAH (lit. doorpost). A scroll containing Biblical verses attached to a doorpost (v. Deut. 6, 9).
MIRROR. The source of the prophetic faculty in one or other of the firmaments, luminous for Moses, dim for others.
MOON. One of the names of the Shekinah (v. Appendix).
MOTHER. The third of the divine grades (v. Appendix, Vol. I).
NEFESH. The vital principle, the lowest of the three grades of the soul.
NESHAMAH. The moral consciousness, the highest of the three grades of the soul.
NORTH. The side of Geburah.
ONKELOS. The reputed translator of the Chaldaic version of the Pentateuch.
ORLAH (lit. foreskin). The condition of being unreceptive of the Shekinah.
PATRIARCHS. The three highest of the divine grades.
PRINCE OF THE WORLD. Metratron (g.v.).
RED. The symbolic colour of the divine attribute of judgement or severity.
RIGHT. The side of Hesed (v. Appendix).
RIGHTEOUS (Zaddik). The ninth Sefirah, also called ‘Foundation’.
RIGHTEOUS ONE (v. Zaddik).
RUAH (lit. spirit). The intellectual faculty, the middle of the three grades of the soul.
SABBATICAL YEAR. The seven secondary divine grades; a name applied to Jacob when compared with Moses.
SACRED LAMP. R. Simeon b. Yohai.
SHEKINAH. (lit. neighbourhood, abiding). The Divine Presence (v. Appendix).
SHEMA. (lit. hear). The proclamation of the unity of God, commencing with ’Hear, O Israel’ (v, Deut. 6, 4).
SHEOL. The under world.
SOUTH. The side of the divine attribute of mercy.
SUN. The upper world in relation to the Shekinah (v. Appendix).
TALITH. A garment with fringes (v. Num. 15, 38).
THIGHS. The divine grades Nezah (Victory), and Hod (Majesty) (v. Adam).
TIFERETH (lit. beauty). The sixth Sefirah, often symbolized by the sun, also by the Tree of Life with twelve roots and seventy branches.
TORAH. The Law of Moses, especially the esoteric doctrine.
UNDISCLOSED. The three highest of the divine grades.
VAU. The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and third of the sacred Name, symbolizing the original heavens.
VOICE. The instrument of the Creation, identified with the original heavens.
WATER. The symbol of the divine attribute of Hesed (kindness or mercy).
WELL. The supernal source of being.
WHITE. The symbolical colour of the divine attribute of mercy or kindness (Hesed).
WIFE. The divine grade called Elohim or Binah (understanding).
WINE. The symbol of the divine attribute of rigour or severity (Geburah).
WISDOM. The esoteric doctrine of the divine grades.
YESOD. (v. Foundation).
YOD. The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
ZADDIK. (lit. righteous). The divine grade associated with the covenant.
ZADDIK[alt.] (v. Righteous).