The Slonimer Rebbe (1911-2000 CE), in his book Netivot Shalom, made the beautiful observation that the “moon has time when it is at the peak of its darkness and you don’t even see a glimmer of light, but even [then] you know that it will start to give light again and even return to its fullness.” When we feel diminished, exhausted, or small, we trust that there is radiance ahead.
The Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah teaches the importance of hitchadshut: the ability to renew oneself. The possibility for perpetual renewal is one of the biggest secrets for spiritual activation and emotional growth! We are not beholden to our past, to who we once were. We have the ability to transcend our prior limitations — to relax from the rigidity of the sun, and to be rejuvenated with the moon.
The new moon represents the strength of receptivity. Just like a full glass can’t receive any more liquid, a full moon cannot receive any more light. On the new moon, as a new month begins, we are open and ready to receive.
This is why Talmudic tradition teaches us that the new moon is a time to celebrate the reappearance of the Shekhinah, the feminine divine presence (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 42b). Under the barely-lit sky, we can open our palms and receive the presence and blessings of the Divine. -At The Well's Blessing Beneath the New Moon
Reflection Questions
What does it mean to mark the beginning of the month?
Why do you think Judaism marks time by the moon? (and not the sun, or another phenomena)?
What does the new moon symbolize for you?
How do you personally “sanctify time”?
Based on the verse above in Exodus, here is commentary by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, a 16th-century Italian Rabbi and physician:
Moon & Freedom Sforno on Exodus 12:2:1
החודש הזה לכם ראש חדשים, from now on these months will be yours, to do with as you like. [you have My authority to organize your own calendar. ] This is by way of contrast to the years when you were enslaved when you had no control over your time or timetable at all. [Freedom, i.e. means being able to formulate one’s own timetable. Ed.] While you were enslaved, your days, hours, minutes even, were always at the beck and call of your taskmasters. Therefore, this is the first of the months of the year, since this begins your time of freedom. |
Discussion Questions:
How is time and freedom related?
What does it mean to own your time and have agency over your calendar?
Rosh Chodesh: A Lesson in Renewal by Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Wherein lies the mystery and mystique of Rosh Chodesh?
Rav Soloveitchik teaches that while Shabbat and Yom Tov receive their sanctity and significance from specific historical-religious events and eras, such as Creation, Revelation or the Exodus from Egypt, the significance of Rosh Chodesh emanates directly from the Jewish embrace of Renewal. The Jew identifies personally and dynamically with the moon; with revival from an almost nonexistent state, with illumination returning from a state of darkness. The Talmud alludes to this when it teaches: sanctify the moon, and I will send you a sign – David Melech Yisrael chai vekayam! David, who was defeated and humiliated, lives! He will rise! He will reign with power and pride. Moshiach will be ben David."
Discussion Questions:
How is greeting the new moon like greeting the Shechinah (divine presence)?
What are some ways that you already honor Rosh Chodesh, or what are ways that you would like to incorporate Rosh Chodesh rituals into your life?
RABBAN GAMALIEL said: Just as the New Moons are renewed and sanctified in this world, so will Israel be sanctified and renewed in the future world just like the New Moons, as it is said, "Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy" (Lev. 19:2). The sages say: The heavens and the earth are destined to pass away and to be renewed. What is written concerning them? "And all the host of the heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll" (Isa. 34:4). Just as when a man reads in a scroll of the Torah and he rolls it, and again he opens it to read therein and he rolls it (together), likewise in the future will the Holy One, blessed be He, roll together the heavens like a scroll, as it is said, "And the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll" (ibid.); "And the earth shall wax old like a garment" (Isa. 51:6); just as a man spreads out his garment and folds it up, and again he unfolds it || and puts it on and renews it (thereby), likewise the Holy One, blessed be He, in the future will fold up the earth and again will He spread it out and put it in its place like a garment, as it is said. "And the earth shall wax old like a garment" (ibid.).
RABBAN GAMALIEL said: Just as the New Moons are renewed and sanctified in this world, so will Israel be sanctified and renewed in the future world just like the New Moons, as it is said, "Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy" (Lev. 19:2). The sages say: The heavens and the earth are destined to pass away and to be renewed. What is written concerning them? "And all the host of the heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll" (Isa. 34:4). Just as when a man reads in a scroll of the Torah and he rolls it, and again he opens it to read therein and he rolls it (together), likewise in the future will the Holy One, blessed be He, roll together the heavens like a scroll, as it is said, "And the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll" (ibid.); "And the earth shall wax old like a garment" (Isa. 51:6); just as a man spreads out his garment and folds it up, and again he unfolds it || and puts it on and renews it (thereby), likewise the Holy One, blessed be He, in the future will fold up the earth and again will He spread it out and put it in its place like a garment, as it is said. "And the earth shall wax old like a garment" (ibid.).
(1) A season is set for everything, a time for every experience under heaven:aI.e., all human experiences are preordained by God; see v. 11.
“For everything there is a season and there is a time for everything under the sky- a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to reap that which is planted, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. A time for throwing stones and a time for gathering stones, A time for embracing and a time for shunning embraces;A time for seeking and a time for losing,A time for keeping and a time for discarding;A time for ripping and a time for sewing, A time for silence and a time for speaking;A time for loving and a time for hating;A time for war and a time for peace.”
Reflection Questions:
King Shlomo brought his wisdom of the rhythms of time, what would you add to this?
Why do you think this message touches so many people? How does it help you frame the circumstances of your life?