Psalms with Rabbi Josh Franklin
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Psalm 27
Josh Franklin1594 ViewsAugust 28, 2021
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Psalm 23: A Psalm of Presence
Explore the deeper meaning behind Psalm 23, the most famous psalm of the Psalter, and a psalm that offers comfort with a few strong metaphors through just seven verses.
Josh Franklin2162 ViewsNovember 4, 2021Shadow of Death,Shepherd,Psalms,Psalm 23
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Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1, 19, 27
Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1, 19, 27
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Psalms of Zion: 48, 126, 137
Psalms of Zion: 48, 126, 137
Josh Franklin2227 ViewsNovember 12, 2021Israel,Psalm,Jerusalem,Zion,Psalms
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Psalms of Ascent: Psalm 121, 124, 133
A study of the collection of Psalms known as the "Songs of Ascent"
Josh Franklin2668 ViewsNovember 12, 2021Shir Lamalot,Ascent,Mountains,Psalms
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Hallelujah Psalms: 145, 146, 148, 150
A look at the final six Psalms of the Psalter, Psalms of Hallelujah
Josh Franklin1559 ViewsDecember 1, 2021Hallelujah,Gratitude,Psalms
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