Fantasy, Concealing Abuse, Kama Sutra cards and vibrators- Joy of Text 1:1 by Rabbi Dov Linzer

These sources accompany the first episode of the Joy of Text podcast.


ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם מכאן אמר רבי אל ישתה אדם בכוס זה ויתן עיניו בכוס אחר אמר רבינא לא נצרכא אלא דאפילו שתי נשיו
§ The verse states: “And that you not go about after your own heart” (Numbers 15:39). Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said that it is derived from here that a man should not drink from this cup while setting his eyes on another cup, i.e., one should not engage in sexual intercourse with one woman while thinking about another woman. Ravina said: This statement is not necessary with regard to an unrelated woman. Rather, it is necessary only to state that even with regard to his own two wives, he should not engage in sexual intercourse with one while thinking about the other.
לא ישתה אדם בכוס זה ויתן עיניו בכוס אחר ואפילו שתיהן נשיו:

A person should not drink from one goblet and be thinking of another, even if they are both his wives.

רבי יוחנן הוה רגיל דהוה קא אזיל ויתיב אשערי דטבילה אמר כי סלקן בנות ישראל ואתיין מטבילה מסתכלן בי ונהוי להו זרעא דשפירי כוותי

Similarly, the Gemara relates that Rabbi Yoḥanan was accustomed to go and sit at the gates of the women’s immersion sites. Rabbi Yoḥanan, who was known for his extraordinary good looks, explained this and said: When the daughters of Israel emerge from their immersion, they will look at me, and will have children as beautiful as I.

מַעֲשֶׂה בְּכוּשִׁי אֶחָד שֶׁנָּשָׂא לְכוּשִׁית אַחַת וְהוֹלִיד מִמֶּנָּה בֵּן לָבָן, תָּפַס הָאָב לַבֵּן וּבָא לוֹ אֵצֶל רַבִּי, אָמַר לוֹ שֶׁמָּא אֵינוֹ בְּנִי. אָמַר לוֹ הָיָה לְךָ מַרְאוֹת בְּתוֹךְ בֵּיתְךָ, אָמַר לוֹ הֵן. אָמַר לוֹ שְׁחוֹרָה אוֹ לְבָנָה, אָמַר לוֹ לְבָנָה. אָמַר לוֹ מִיכָּן שֶׁהָיָה לְךָ בֵּן לָבָן.

There is a story of a black man who was married to a black woman, and she bore him a son who was white. The father seized the son and came to Rebbe and said to him, “Perhaps this is not my son.” Rebbe replied, “Do you have portraits in your house?” He said, “Yes.” “Are they black or white?” [Rebbe asked.] “They are white,” [he replied.] “It is from this that you have a white son.” [Rebbe responded to him.]

Pliny the Elder (1st century CE), Natural History 7:12

Cases of likeness are indeed an extremely wide subject, and one which includes the belief that a great many accidental circumstances are influential—recollections of sights and sounds and actual sense-impressions received at the time of conception. Also a thought suddenly flitting across the mind of either parent is supposed to produce likeness or to cause a combination of features.

חומא דביתהו דאביי אתאי לקמיה דרבא אמרה ליה פסוק לי מזוני פסק לה פסוק לי חמרא א"ל ידענא ביה בנחמני דלא הוה שתי חמרא אמרה ליה חיי דמר דהוי משקי ליה בשופרזי כי האי בהדי דקא מחויא ליה איגלי דרעא נפל נהורא בבי דינא קם רבא על לביתיה תבעה לבת רב חסדא אמרה ליה בת רב חסדא מאן הוי האידנא בבי דינא אמר לה חומא דביתהו דאביי נפקא אבתרה מחתא לה בקולפי דשידא עד דאפקה לה מכולי מחוזא אמרה לה קטלת ליך תלתא ואתת למיקטל אחרינא
The Gemara relates: Abaye’s wife, Ḥoma, came before Rava after Abaye died, as Rava was the local judge. She said to him: Apportion sustenance for me, as I am entitled to be sustained by Abaye’s heirs. Rava apportioned sustenance for her. She subsequently said to him: Apportion wine for me as well. Rava said to her: I know that Naḥmani, i.e., Abaye, did not drink wine. Since you were not accustomed to drinking wine during your husband’s lifetime, you are not entitled to it after his death. She said to him: By the Master’s life, this is not correct. In fact, he would give me wine to drink in cups [shufrazei] as large as this. She gestured with her hands to show how large the cups were. While she was showing him the size of the cups, her arm became uncovered, and she was so beautiful that it was as though a light had shined in the courtroom. Rava arose, went home, and requested intercourse from his wife, the daughter of Rav Ḥisda. The daughter of Rav Ḥisda said to him: Who was just now in the courtroom? Noticing his unusual behavior, she suspected that there must have been a woman in the court. He said to her: Ḥoma, Abaye’s wife, was there. Upon hearing this, Rava’s wife went after Ḥoma and struck her with the lock of a chest [kulpei deshida] until she drove her out of the entire city of Meḥoza, saying to her: You have already killed three men, as Abaye was your third husband, and now you come to kill another one, my husband Rava? Since you showed him your beauty, he will want to marry you.

זוהר – סתרי תורה כרך א (בראשית) פרשת ויצא דף קנה עמוד א

כל מלין דעלמא אזלין בתר מחשבה

והרהורא ועל דא (ויקרא יא) והתקדשתם והייתם קדושים בגין דכל קדושין דעלמא אפיק ומשיך בהרהורא טבא

מאן דאסתאב בהרהורא (ויקרא פד א שם נו א) בישא כד אתי לאזדווגא באתתיה ושוי רעותיה והרהוריה באתתא אחרא וזרע זרעא בהרהורא אחרא דא הוא דאחלף דרגין עלאין דלעילא דרגא דקודשא בגין דרגא דמסאבא כמה דהרהורא דילי’ עביד חלופין לתתא אוף הכי עבד חלופין לעילא, כמה דגופא דההוא ברא דיוליד אקרי בן תמורה אוף הכי בנפשא בן תמורה אקרי דהא לא משיך משיכו קדישא בההוא הרהורא ונפשא דיליה אתחלף בדרגא אחרא

יעקב שלימא דכלא גלי קמי קודשא בריך הוא דכל ארחוי בקשוט הוו והרהורא דקשוט הרהר תדיר בכלא בההוא ליליא דמשמש באתתיה בלאה הרהורא (קעו ב ויקרא רצב ב) דיליה ברחל הות, משמש בלאה וחשיב ברחל ומקורא דיליה בההוא הרהורא דיליה אזלא, ולאו לדעתא דהא לא הוה ידע, בגין כך לא סליק ראובן בשמא, קודשא בריך הוא דהוה ידע אחמי ליה ואמר ראו בן דאתיליד בעלמא, ועל דא כתיב (ירמיה כג) אם יסתר איש במסתרים ואני לא אראנו, אל תקרי אראנו אלא אראנו דיסתכלון ביה ובגין דאתגלי קמיה דקודשא בריך הוא דהא לאו לדעתא הוה ובארח קשוט הרהר ברעותיה יעקב לא איפסל מגו שבטין קדישין דאי לאו הכי הוה איפסל, ובגין דהרהורא עקרא איהו ועביד עובדא, קודשא בריך הוא דהוה ידע ההוא הרהורא באתר דאתדבקא בההיא טפה קדמאה אסתמר ליה בכירותא דכתיב (דה”א ה) כי הוא הבכור וגו’ נתנה בכורתו ליוסף בההוא אתר דהרהורא אזלא ואתדבק בההיא טפה, תמן אתדבק ואתמסר ההוא בכורא ואתנטילת בכורה מראובן ואתמסר באתר דהרהורא אתדבק בה, ברחל הרהר ואתדבק רעותא ברחל אתדבק בכירותא וכלא אתהדר בתר הרהורא ומחשבה,

Zohar, Sitrei Torah, Parshat VaYeitzei, 155a (Tishby/Goldstein translation)

All the affairs of the world depend on thought and intention. Scripture alludes to this when it says “Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be holy” (Vayikra 11:44), because one can produce every kind of holiness by a good thought.

If a man defiles himself by evil thoughts when he comes to have intercourse with his wife, and sets his thoughts and desire upon another woman, and emits semen with these evil thoughts, then he exchanges the exalted levels of the world above, the level of holiness, for the level of uncleanness. Just as his thought effects changes in the world below, so it effects changes in the world above. Just as the body of the child that he begets is called a “changeling,” (ben temurah), so too the soul is called “a changeling,” because in his thought he fails to attract a flow of holiness, and [the child’s] soul is exchanged for an alien level.

As for Jacob, the most perfect of all, it was revealed before the Holy One, blessed be He, that all his ways were in truth, and that his thoughts were in every respect thoughts of truth. On the night when he had intercourse with Leah he was thinking of Rachel. He lay with Leah but thought of Rachel, and his semen followed his thought, but it was not intentional for he did not know. Reuben was therefore not given a specific name. The Holy One, blessed be He, who knew, showed it through the phrase “See, a son (re’u ben),” who has just been born. Concerning this it is written “Can a man hide himself in secret places, and I not see him?” (Jer. 23:24). Do not read er’enu (and I not see him), but ar’enu (and I not show him), so that others might see him. And because the Holy One, blessed be He, knew that it was not intentional and that Javob had truthful thoughts during his desire, [Reuben] was not disqualified from being counted among the holy tribes. Otherwise he would have been disqualified. And since thought is the principal thing and the element that is effective, the Holy One, blessed be He, who knew that the thought [was true], reserved the birthright for the place where [Jacob’s] first drop [of semen] fell, as it is written “[The sons of Reuven, the firstborn of Israel], for he was the first born; [but since defiled his father’s bed], his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph” (I Chronicles 5:1). To the very place that was the object of thought, and upon which the drop fell, the birthright was committed and assigned. Then the birthright was taken away from Reuben, and transmitted to the place where the thought had been directed. Rachel was the object of thought and desire, and therefore the birthright was transmitted to Rachel. It all followed the thought and intention.

מור וקציעה סימן רמ

… משא”כ בלאה, שהרי רחל מסרה לה סימניה ומחלה זכותה ברצון נפשה, נמצאת מחשבת שניהם טובה היתה ורצויה לפני המקום, לא היה בו פגם כל עיקר.
והשתא אתי שפיר נמי דלית בה משום ההיא דלא ישתה אדם בכוס זה כו’, ואפילו שתיהן נשיו, דההיא בתר אחר לבבו ביודע שבועל את זו ולבו פונה לאחרת בשאט בנפש. אבל על תמורה זו של לאה, נאמר [ויקרא כז, לג] ותמורתו יהיה קודש

Mor uKtziya, (Rav Yaakov Emden), OH 240

...This concern [of ben temurah, a child conceived when the husband has sex with one wife thinking she is his other wife,] does not apply to Leah, for Rachel gave her the signals and freely waived her rights, thus both of their intentions [Rachel’s and Leah’s] was good and desirable before God, and there was nothing improper at all [neither one was cheating the other out of her conjugal rights].
This explanation can also explain why there was no concern of the statement that “a man should not drink from one goblet, etc., even if they are both his wives.” For that statement is in regards to a person who strays after his heart, knowing that he is having sex with this person and with derision [towards her] is thinking of another one, but regarding the exchange [of Rachel] with Leah, it is said, “And the exchange shall be holy.”

מציאת יצחק, יצחק בן בן-ציון צינקין, פר’ ויצא

וירא ה’ כי שנואה לאה… וכיון דאתאי האי ענינא לידן נימא בה מילתא לתרץ מה שהקשה המ”א האיך באה תקלה ליעקב אבינו לשכוב עם לאה הלא אמרו זה נקרא בני תמורה שהחמירו חז”ל על זה, ונראה לומר שבני תמורה נקרא אם הוא שותה בכוס זה ונותן עיניו בכוס אחר למלאות תאותו ואין לבו שלם עם האשה אשר תחתיו והוא כגונב דעת בעלים ואין זה בשר אחד אשר צוה השי”ת ואז היא עבירה בידו. אבל כאן ביעקב נתן לבו ומחשבתו רק בכוס זה ששתה שהיה חושב שהיא רחל והיה עמה בלב שלם ובנפש חפצה.

Metziat Yitzchak, Rav Yitzchak ben Ben-Zion Zinkin, VaYeitzei

“And God saw that Leah was despised” – since this matter has come to our hands, let us say something regarding it, to resolve the question that was raised by Magen Avraham, [namely,] how could stumbling came to Yaakov our father to sleep with Leah? Are not [the children of] such an act are called benei temurah, children of exchange, at matter which the Rabbis were very strict about? The answer seems as follows, that benei temurah are called those who are conceived if a man “drinks from one cup while putting his eyes towards another cup” for the purpose of satisfying his desire, and his heart is not fully present with his wife [or “he is not acting with integrity towards his wife”] who is laying beneath him. He is like someone who deceives the owner, and this is not the “one flesh” that God commanded. In such circumstances is it considered a sin. But here, Yaakov put his heart and his thoughts only towards the “cup” that he drank from, for he thoughts it was Rachel, and he was with her with a full heart and a desiring soul.

שלום דוד, דוד בן משה כהן מג’רבה, דרוש שכם אחד

וידוע שמי שיש לו הרהורי ניאוף הוא שותה בכוס זה ונותן עיניו בכוס אחר ומזה כל פריצי הדור וטפשים באו

Shalom David, David ben Moshe Kohen, homily Shekhem Echad, vol. 1, p. 93

It is know that a person who has thoughts of adultery is one how “drinks from this cup and places his eyes towards another cup,” and from this [the children conceived thusly,] all the licentious and foolish people of the generation emerge.

From the Q&A:

Kama Sutra Cards

אמר רבי יוחנן זו דברי יוחנן בן דהבאי אבל אמרו חכמים אין הלכה כיוחנן בן דהבאי אלא כל מה שאדם רוצה לעשות באשתו עושה משל לבשר הבא מבית הטבח רצה לאוכלו במלח אוכלו צלי אוכלו מבושל אוכלו שלוק אוכלו וכן דג הבא מבית הצייד

Rabbi Yoḥanan said: That is the statement of Yoḥanan ben Dehavai. However, the Rabbis said: The halakha is not in accordance with the opinion of Yoḥanan ben Dehavai. Rather, whatever a man wishes to do with his wife he may do. He may engage in sexual intercourse with her in any manner that he wishes, and need not concern himself with these restrictions. As an allegory, it is like meat that comes from the butcher. If he wants to eat it with salt, he may eat it that way. If he wants to eat it roasted, he may eat it roasted. If he wants to eat it cooked, he may eat it cooked. If he wants to eat it boiled, he may eat it boiled. And likewise with regard to fish that come from the fisherman.

ֿVibrators and Onah

Onah is about sexual pleasure, not just intercourse…

מה יעשה אדם ויהיו בניו עשירים ויקיימו יעשה חפצי שמים וחפצי אשתו. ואלו הן חפצי שמים יפזר מעותיו לעניים

What should a man do so that he has rich sons [other versions: so that he has sons]? He should do the desires of Heaven and the desires of his wife. These are the desires of Heaven: he should squander his money to the poor…

אלו הן חפצי אשתו ר״א אומר יפתה אותה בשעת תשמיש רבי יהודה אומר ישמחנה בשעת תשמיש בדבר מצוה שנאמר (קהלת ח׳:ה׳) שומר מצוה לא ידע דבר רע. הרוצה שיהיו בניו זכרים בעלי תורה ימשמש במעשיו ויפתה את אשתו בשעת תשמיש. ר״א בן יעקב אומר אין תלמיד חכם רשאי [למשמש במעשיו] וליתן מעותיו בארנקי של צדקה אלא א״כ ממונה עליה כרבי חנינא בן תרדיון.

These are the desires of his wife: R. Eliezer says he should seduce her at the time of sex. R. Yehudah says he should make her happy (yisamchena) at the time of sex with the matter of the mitzvah, as it states, “One who observes the mitzvah will know no evil.”

ורבי יוחנן מאי שנא יבמתו דקא עביד מצוה אשתו נמי קא עביד מצוה באשתו מעוברת והא איכא שמחת עונה שלא בשעת עונתה והאמר רבא חייב אדם לשמח אשתו בדבר מצוה סמוך לווסתה
The Gemara asks: And according to Rabbi Yoḥanan, what is different about one who unwittingly engaged in sexual intercourse with his sister-in-law, in that he is exempt from bringing a sin-offering? Is it that he performed a mitzva, i.e., the mitzva of levirate marriage? If so, then also in the case where he unwittingly engaged in sexual intercourse with his wife while she was menstruating, he performed a mitzva, for he occupied himself in the fulfillment of the mitzva of procreation. The Gemara answers that we are dealing here with a case where his wife is pregnant, such that intercourse cannot lead to procreation. The Gemara raises another question: Nevertheless, there is the mitzva of the enjoyment of conjugal rights. One of a husband’s marital obligations is to engage in sexual intercourse with his wife at regular intervals (see Exodus 21:10), and this is considered a mitzva. The Gemara answers that we are talking about a case where it is not the time of her conjugal rights. The Gemara asks further: Even so, didn’t Rava say that a man is obligated to please his wife through a mitzva? That is to say, he must engage in sexual intercourse with her when she so desires, even if it is not the time of her conjugal rights. The Gemara answers that we are dealing with a case where it was near her expected date of menstruation, when sexual relations are prohibited due to a concern that the woman may already be menstruating or that she may begin to menstruate during the sexual act.

מכתב מהסטייפלר

חיוב עונה
ב. בחיוב עונה – כל קירוב (חבוב) חבוק ונישוק. החזו”א התיר להרהר באשתו טהורה משום קרובה, וצריך לעשות כל שהאשה מתאוה (בשם החזו”א זצ”ל) וע”כ ישכב עם אשתו בקירוב בשר ובחיבוק ונישוק כרבע שעה לפני החיבור, זה באופן רגיל. אך אם הוא מחומם וחושש שיצא הזרע ח”ו ימהר. ואחר החיבור ישכב עם אשתו משך חצי שעה כי בזה יש לה הנאה מרובה יותר מעצם המעשה…
ממרן בעל הקהלות יעקוב שליט”א

תשרי תשל”ד

A Letter from the Steipler (Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky 1899-1985)

(Translated Rabbi Dov Linzer)

Marital obligation of sex…
2. The Obligation – all forms of contact (intimacy or “intimate contact”), touch, and kissing are included. The Hazon Ish allows a man to have sexual thoughts for his wife (when she is not a niddah) for the sake of becoming physically intimate with her, and a man must do all that his wife desires (in the name of the Hazon Ish). Thus, he should lie with his wife together naked with touching and kissing for approximately a quarter of an hour before intercourse – this is under normal circumstances. But if he is already sexually excited and concerned that he will ejaculate prematurely, God forbid, then he should speed up (the foreplay). And after intercourse, he should lie with his wife for a half-hour, because this will give her greater pleasure than the act itself…

From the Steipler Rav, author of Khilot Yaakov

Tishrei 5734 (1973)

Is it necessary for there to be a technical act of intercourse / for the two bodies to come together – ודבק באשתו והיו לבשר אחד / שארה – זו קירוב בשר? Or is it defined fully by what gives the wife pleasure?

ותקרא האשה שאר לבעל… והוא מן הענין שאמר ודבק באשתו והיו לבשר אחד (בראשית ב כד). והנה שארה קרוב בשרה. וכסותה כסות מטתה, כמו שנאמר (להלן כב כו) כי היא כסותו לבדה במה ישכב. ועונתה הוא עונה שיבא אליה לעת דודים…
וענין הכתוב, שאם יקח אחרת, קרוב בשרה של זו וכסות מטתה ועת דודיה לא יגרע ממנה, כי כן משפט הבנות. והטעם, שלא תהיה האחרת יושבת לו על מטה כבודה והיו שם לבשר אחד, וזו עמו כפילגש ישכב עמה בדרך מקרה ועל הארץ כבא אל אשה זונה, ולכן מנעו הכתוב מזה. וכך אמרו חכמים (כתובות מח א) שארה זו קרוב בשר, שלא ינהג בה כמנהג פרסיים שמשמשין מטותיהן בלבושיהן.

וזה פירוש נכון, כי דרך הכתוב בכל מקום להזכיר המשכב בלשון נקי ובקצור, ולכן אמר באלו ברמז שארה כסותה ועונתה, על שלשת הענינים אשר לאדם עם אשתו בחבורן.

And the woman is called she’er of the husband… and that is based on the verse, “And he shall cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 12:24). Thus, sh’era means the closeness of her flesh, and ksuta means her bedclothes, as it says, “Because that is his only ksut– garment – with what shall he sleep?” (Deut. 22:26). And onatah refers to time, that he shall come onto her at the time of lovemaking…
The sense of the verse if that if he takes another wide, the closeness of her flesh and her bedclothes and her time of lovemaking he should not withhold from her, because that is the statute of women (lit. daughters). And the reason for this prohibition is that the new wife should not be sitting on a honorable bed, where they will be there as one flesh, and the first wife will be treated as a concubine, sleeping with him only casually (lit. by chance) and on the floor, like one who comes onto a prostitute. Thus the verse prohibits this. And so our Sages have explained, “She’erah implies closeness of the flesh, viz., that he must not treat her in the manner of the Persians who perform their conjugal duties in their clothes.”

This is a correct explanation, because it is the way of Scripture in all places to refer to matters of sex with clean and short terms, and thus it says with these matters obliquely: she’era, ksuta, vi’onatah, to refer to the three matters that a man conducts with his wife at the time of their union.

א"ר אלעזר א"ר חנינא בן נח שבא על אשתו שלא כדרכה חייב שנאמר (בראשית ב, כד) ודבק ולא שלא כדרכה
Rabbi Elazar says that Rabbi Ḥanina says: A descendant of Noah who engages in intercourse with his wife in an atypical manner, i.e., anal intercourse, is liable for engaging in forbidden sexual intercourse, as it is stated: “And shall cleave to his wife” (Genesis 2:24), an expression that indicates natural intercourse, but not intercourse in an atypical manner.
שלא כדרכה - אין כאן דבק שמתוך שאינה נהנית בדבר אינה נדבקת עמו:

Not in an unnatural way –there is not cleaving, for since she does not derive any pleasure from the act, she does not cleave unto him.

מנחת חינוך מצוה מו

ובביאה שלא כדרכה אם יצא ידי חובתו להנצל מלאו זה עיין טור אה”ע סי’ כ”ה
ונ”ל למ”ד דסובר עונה זה דרך ארץ ויליף מאם תענה את בנותי ועתוס’… ותירצו שזה הצער שלה דמונע לא יגרע א”כ בביאה שלא כדרכו דזה עינוי ערש”י חומש פ’ וישלח ויענה שלא כדרכה… א”כ בשלא כדרכה עובר על לאו זה.אך למאן דיליף שארה זו עונה א”כ אפשר דיוצא ג”כ בשלא כדרכהולרבי אליעזר בן יעקב לפי דברי התוס’ דהוא ק”ו דנשאת לו אדעתא דהכי נראה ג”כ דאינו יוצא בשלא כדרכה כי לא נשאת אדעתה דהכי

Minchat Chinukh, Mitzvah 46

Regarding sex in an unnatural way (anal sex), whether a person fulfills his obligation to not transgress this negative prohibition [against withhold his conjugal duties to his wife]. – See Tur, EH 25.
And it seems to me that according to the opinion [in the Talmud, Ketuvot 47b] that derives the mitzvah of marital sex from the word “onah,” linking it to the verse “if you afflict (te’aneh) my daughters,” – and see Tosafot… who explain that this is her suffering, when he withholds the sex that is due to her – thus, sex in the “unnatural way” which is considered a form of affliction to the woman – see Rashi on the verse va’yeaneha, “And he afflicted her” (Breishit 34:2), who explains that this means that he (Shechem) had sex with her (Dina) in an “unnatural way”… therefore if one had sex in this fashion (since it is painful to the woman), one transgresses this prohibition (against withholding sex from one’s wife, i.e., one has not fulfilled the mitzvah of onah).

However, according to the opinion [in the Talmud] that derives the obligation of marital sex from the word she’eira (meaning, “her flesh,” i.e., the closeness of flesh due to her), it is possible that one fulfills his obligation through sex in the “unnatural way” (since their bodies are still joining in intercourse).

And according to Rebbe Eliezer ben Yaakov (who does not derive the mitzvah of onah from directly from the verse) – according to how Tosafot explains this position, that the obligation is a logical one, for it was for this purpose that they married – it would appear that a person also does not fulfill his obligation, for she did not marry him with this (type of sex) in mind.

שו”ת רדב”ז ד:קיח

דאין זה קיום עונה דאדרבה מצטערת היא יותר ואף על גב דהעראה כביאה לכל הדברים לקיום עונה לא מקריא ביאה.

Responsa of Radvaz, 4:118

This (he’arah, penetration of only the crown of the penis) is not a fulfillment of onah. Quite the opposite – she suffers even more (from this uncompleted act than not having had sex at all). Although he’arah is considered to be an act of intercourse in all areas of halakha, regarding fulfilling the mitzvah of onah it is not considered as such (because the wife does not derive the pleasure of sex from the act).

אגרות משה אבה”ע ג:כח

וממילא לא שייך שיהיה בזה קיום מצות עונה ובפרט שנקרא בלשון עינוי אף דאיתא בקידושין דף כ”ב אר”א בר אדא דמן אחא מאן לימא לן דלאו הנאה אית להו לתרוייהו. מ”מ ודאי הוא רק הנאה מועטת אף אם אית לה הנאה… אבל ודאי העינוי יותר מההנאה, ואין שום ספק בזה דלא כדכתב בעזר מקודש שם שמסתפק בזה.
גם מש”כ אולי יוצא י”ח גם בהעראה ונשיקה, ברור שלא יצא דהא יש לה תאוה ביותר באמצע הביאה… הרי דקשה לפניה מאד לפסוק הביאה עד שהוא בדין אונס, שא”כ הצער גדול מאד כשפורש ממנה קודם גמר ביאה, וכן מצינו שהצער להאיש גדול מאד כשנשמטה ממנו קודם גמר ביאה בסוטה דף ט’, ואיך שייך שיוצא בזה דהא עדיף היה לה שלא היה נזדקק לה כלל מהפרישה באמצע וצ”ע, ולדינא לא יצא בהעראה ולא בשלא כדרכה.

Iggrot Moshe, EH 3:28

It is not possible that there would be in this act (anal sex) a fulfillment of the mitzvah of onah. Although it is stated in Kiddushin (22b), “Says R. Achai bar Ada from Acha, “who is to say that they both don’t have pleasure from the act (of anal sex)?”, nevertheless, it is certainly only a small amount of pleasure [for the woman], even if she has some pleasure in the act… But it is without a doubt that the pain is greater than the pleasure, and there is no doubt in this matter (that the husband does not fulfill the mitzvah of onah), and not like the Ezer MiKodesh writes in this regard.
Also, what he writes, that it is possible that the husband fulfills his obligation even through he’arah and just a “kissing” (of the genitals) – it is clear that one does not fulfill his obligation, for she has increased desire in the middle of intercourse… Behold it is extremely difficult for her to stop in the middle of intercourse, so much so that [one Talmudic passage] considers her to be in the category of annus (compelled and unable to interrupt). It is thus clear that the pain is very great when he separates from her before he completes the act of intercourse (fully enters into her). We also find that the pain is very great for the man when he separates from her in the middle of intercourse – Sotah 9 – and how would it be possible that he would fulfill his obligation through this. For behold, it would have been better for her that he would not have had sex with her at all, rather than to separate in the middle, and this [the position of Ezer MiKodesh] requires investigation. As a matter of law, he does not fulfill his obligation through he’arah or through sex in an “unnatural manner”.