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Kavod Habriyot Project


My Kavod Habriyot project is with Ella, Shir-Elle, and Anna. We are selling small, medium, and large short sleeved shirts that we personally make by ironing tv show logos, people, and designs on the plain shirts. This is for Chai Life Line kids who's dreams are to go to disney park. We will then sell these shirts around our neighborhoods, lincoln road, social media, and friends, we are estimating to make about $200-$300. Also, we created a website where you can order your shirt and we will bring it/them to you. This will all be done in the next two weeks. We are asking and advertising if anyone would like to help and donate money to purchase any shirts so that we have in stock and can make more to sell.

כבוד הבריות חביב עד מאד אין לך מדה חביבה ממנה


Human dignity is extremely precious -- there is nothing more valuable than it.


This source explains how human dignity (self- respect) is so important. Everyone should have dignity in themselves, even the homeless and poor. When giving tzedakah we shouldn't give in a way that embarrasses anybody. Self respect is vital and needed for chesed and to complete mitzvot. This is one of the parts of us that Hashem cares and wants us to keep most.


Ella, Shir-Elle, Anna, and I are selling shirts to raise moeny for the Chai Life Line Disney Trip. My Kavod Habriyot project connects with this source because the children will have the opportunity to go to disney. Although, they will still have their dignity because they will be happy. Sometimes being happy with yourself is all it takes to have dignity. The kids will be so happy that their dream come true.

(ח) פָּחוֹת מִזֶּה הַנּוֹתֵן צְדָקָה לָעֲנִיִּים וְלֹא יָדַע לְמִי נָתַן וְלֹא יָדַע הֶעָנִי מִמִּי לָקַח. שֶׁהֲרֵי זוֹ מִצְוָה לִשְׁמָהּ. כְּגוֹן לִשְׁכַּת חֲשָׁאִים שֶׁהָיְתָה בַּמִּקְדָּשׁ. שֶׁהָיוּ הַצַּדִּיקִים נוֹתְנִין בָּהּ בַּחֲשַׁאי וְהָעֲנִיִּים בְּנֵי טוֹבִים מִתְפַּרְנְסִין מִמֶּנָּה בַּחֲשַׁאי. וְקָרוֹב לָזֶה הַנּוֹתֵן לְתוֹךְ קֻפָּה שֶׁל צְדָקָה. וְלֹא יִתֵּן אָדָם לְתוֹךְ קֻפָּה שֶׁל צְדָקָה אֶלָּא אִם כֵּן יוֹדֵעַ שֶׁהַמְמֻנֶּה נֶאֱמָן וְחָכָם וְיוֹדֵעַ לְהַנְהִיג כַּשּׁוּרָה כְּרַבִּי חֲנַנְיָה בֶּן תְּרַדְיוֹן:

(8) One level lower than this is one who gives tzedakah to the poor and does not know to whom he gives, and the poor person does not know from whom he receives.187Maimonides holds the anonymity of both giver and receiver of great importance, but he does not require anonymity at the highest level of giving. This is perhaps because the highest level of giving addresses the source of poverty whereas giving something to a beggar only alleviates a person's temporary need. Preventing poverty is therefore of such importance that anonymity becomes secondary in that instance. This is purely a mitzvah for its own sake, such as the Chamber of Secrets in the Holy Temple, for there the righteous would give in secret [and leave], and the poor, of good background, would sustain themselves from it in secret. Very close to this is one who gives to the kupah of tzedakah, but one should not contribute to the kupah of tzedakah unless one is certain that the one who counts it is trustworthy and wise and behaves competently, as was Rabbi Chanania ben Teradion.188See Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 10b and Avodah Zarah 17b. Rabbi Chanania ben Teradion had a reputation for competence and honesty, so he dealt with the collection and distribution of charity funds. He was later tortured and executed by the Romans.


RAMBAM LAWS OF METANOT LEANIYIM 10:7-14 When the needy receives a gift the proper way to give it is being anonymous. This shows Hashem how you aren't giving for the sake of giving. You are giving to help because you want to help. It's not right to give if you're doing the mitzvah for attention and compliments. You should only give tzedakah because you want to complete a mitzvah that benefits others. Also, this is almost like a test that Hashem has put on us to see if we are trustworthy people.


Our Kavod Habriyot project connects with this source because Chai Life Line does not tell the disabled children that we donated money. This way we are anonymous donors. This also shows how we are doing the mitzvah because we want to help, not for attention or compliments. This mitzvah is for us and making Hashem happy. Lastly, the kids won't feel embarrassed because we don't know which kid is going on the trip.


CHAFETZ CHAIM, AHAVAT CHESED, INTRODUCTION This source explains another type of chesed. Showing that you care about someone else and taking actions to prove this. For example, walking your guest out the door. This shows that you care about how your guest feels in your home. Also, hosting a friend if they need a home to stay at. Lastly, lending a friend something of yours. This shows how you have trust in them and you believe that they will take care of your possession.


Our project is selling handmade and customized shirts to raise money for Chai Life Line kids for their Disney Trip. This source connects with our project because we care about how the kids will feel when they get the opportunity to go to Disney World. We don't want to give the money ourselves because it would embarrass the kids. This shows how we care about how they feel. We don't want them to feel ashamed or different which is why we give the money to just Chai Life Line.