In the wake of the exoneration of Daniel Penny in NY, what Jewish principles guide our reaction to the death of Jordan Neely, joked by Penny after Neely's disturbed behavior?
Based on lectures by Rabbi Dr. Ira Bedzow and tomes by Yuval Noah Harari, we are presently challenged to define what is human for the purposes of Jewish law and living in a civilized, ethical society. How Torah defines a human is a starting point only.
King David confronts enemies in every imaginable way - foreign powers, family members, former friends, and displaced royals. What can we learn from the King in how we deal with adversaries in our own lives?
Is a person born with an essential nature? Are we good or evil? What is an omnipotent creator's role in the formation of our personhood? The Tanya reflects at length on these essential characteristics.
While each person is created in God's image and each is valued as if an entire world, Torah demands that we value community and stay in relationship with each other.